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"Look, we're in the clear," Stasiak says as he fixes himself a drink with an alka seltzer. "But this thing is a mess. The headlines out there? Secret spy plane crashes in a hostile country? Followed by some kind of covert ops firefight? I'll get you where you need... and then I'm gonna need to back off."
"I appreciate the favor," Dom says as he looks at Stasiak.
"I got to stop doing so many favors," Stasiak says with a small smirk as he walks away.

"What we doing, Ramsey? Like, where are we going?" Roman questions as he looks up at Ramsey, who is typing on her computer. Bree squeezes Roman's hand in an attempt to calm him, knowing that he is still riled up by everything that has happened.
"I-I was able to decrypt the data that came through with Mr. Nobody's SOS, and I found GPS coordinates, definitely included on purpose," Ramsey answers as she looks around at everyone, causing Bree to sigh as she leans her head on Roman's shoulder.
"You knew about Jakob?" Letty asks as Dom walks over to them, causing Bree to quickly sit back up as she looks at her sister in shock.
"Question: Who is Jakob?" Tej asks as he looks from Bree's shocked face to Letty while Roman stands up.
"Jakob is..." Letty starts to answer as she stares at Dom. "or was Dom's brother."
"Oh, my-my bad," Roman says as Tej and Ramsey look at Dom in shock. "I'm sorry. I'm just processing. Brother? You got a brother? Who also happens to be some kind of super spy with his own private army, who drives literally like a bat out of hell, who preplanned an aerial jump and landed at the bottom of an airplane? Who does that?"
"Who does that?" Tej asks as he answers Roman, while Dom looks down as he remembers his past. "A Toretto."


"Talk about off the grid," Ramsey says as Dom leads the way through a tunnel under the water while she, Tej, and Roman hold flashlights.
"I don't think they had grids when this place was built," Bree says as she follows the group while looking around with Roman by her side.
"If a Ninja Turtle pop out on me, tell you right now, I'm out," Roman says as he shines his light back the way they had came, causing Bree to lightly laugh.
"No way this place was sanctioned by the agency," Tej says as he starts to look around as well. "This was definitely Mr. Nobody's secret hideout." Tej looks around again before finding a switch that he flips, causing the power to come on in the bunker. "What now, Dom?"
"Whoever Jakob has become and whatever he's up to," Dom answers as he turns to face the team, causing Bree to frown. "It's on me. And me alone."
"Nah," Roman says as he shakes his head while wrapping an arm around Bree. "Whatever's on you, it's on us."
"Let's get to work," Tej says with a nod, causing Dom to look down as a small smile graces his face because he is thankful that his family has his back.

Roman drags Bree behind him as he makes his way inside the room that Tej and Ramsey are working in before clearing his throat to get Tej's and Ramsey's attention.
"Y'all ever thought about how many wild missions we been on?" Roman asks as he holds his jacket in his hand, causing Bree to raise her eyebrow in question. "How we somehow... always survive?"
"Yeah. So far, so good, I guess," Tej says with a nod as he goes to turn back to what he had been working on.
"It's just luck," Ramsey says with a shrug before Bree nods in agreement.
"No, no, no, see, y'all not listening," Roman says before he explains what he is meaning. "Think about this. We've now been on insane missions around the world, doing what most would say is damn near impossible. And I ain't got one single scar to show for it? I mean, look at my jacket." Roman tosses his jacket to Tej, who notices the holes in it which causes Bree to frown as she thinks about what could have happened to Roman. "Those are bullet holes from 14 dudes trying to take my head clean off its shoulders. We've taken out cars, trains, tanks. I'm not gonna even mention the submarine."
"And yet we're still here," Tej says as he nods his head in agreement, causing Ramsey to look at him confused.
"Exactly," Roman says in agreement while Bree looks at Tej suspiciously, figuring that he was going to end up making fun of Roman some how.
"Ramsey, what happens when you test a theory over and over again only to come to the same result?" Tej asks as he looks over at her.
"A hypothesis becomes fact," Ramsey answers as she looks at him confused before shaking her head. "But you're not actually suggesting that..."
"I don't know, but when the improbable happens again and again, that's more than luck. Maybe we're not so normal," Tej explains which causes Ramsey to look at him as if he was insane while Bree attempts to hide a smile as she sees Roman feeding into what Tej is saying.
"That's what I'm saying. We are not normal," Roman says as he nods his head in agreement.
"Okay, um... just to clarify, are you two maybe suggesting that we're what, invincible?" Ramsey asks with a sarcastic smirk, causing Roman to actually think about it.
"Maybe," Roman answers her with a shrug.
"Maybe," Tej says as he nods, causing Ramsey to look at him in shock. "Or maybe... you're just a dumbass." Ramsey and Bree laugh as Roman frowns which causes Bree to cover her mouth as she tries not to laugh before Tej throws the jacket back to Roman. "Take your dumbass jacket with you, man."

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