Chapter One

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"Huh? Yeah what's up?"

"You were spaced out."

"Oh." I mumbled.

"With your eyes glued right to him." Brit said, smirking.

"Wh-what? No! I wasn't looking at him! I mean yeah, well like, you know. He had... erm... Ugh, fine." I sputtered, rolling my eyes at the end.

"I knew it! I could practically see red hearts in your eyes!" She giggled.

"Please. I do NOT love him, it's merely a crush." I exclaimed, feeling heat rushing to my cheeks.

"Well, one heck of a crush that is." She said, and I nudged her. Brittany was my pretty close friend, whom I've known since 7th grade.

I glanced at him again. He had messy brown hair that looked great even when he had put no effort into fixing it. His blue eyes were darting around the Chemistry textbook placed on his desk. He said something to his friend and they started laughing loudly. Aw, his laugh was so cute.
He had an angled, strong looking jawline and a small stubble. Yes, Evan Highmore was quite the looker. Part of why I had a huge crush on him since the school year started and he joined our school. Other than that, he was great at almost all sports including football, basketball and who knows what other sports. He was also active and successful in academics. I smiled subconsciously, my eyes lowering to the floor.

"Miss Hanna Parker. Something more interesting to think about than Chemistry in your little brain?"

I jumped, looking up at Mrs. Gray whose eyes were burning holes into my face. Needless to say, she has a very short temper.

All eyes in our class turned to look at me. I squirmed in my seat, uncomfortable with all the smirking, laughing and giggling people looking at me. One particular smile caught my eye, Evan's. He had a small smile on his face, his eyes twinkling as they looked right at me. He was looking at me! A tiny bit of excitement surged through me, but was soon replaced by fear as the teacher yelled at me.


"Um... yeah, I'm sorry. No, chemistry is the most important. I will stop thinking." I spoke quickly, not thinking of what I was saying much. Laughter sounded across the room, and soon died as Mrs. Gray shot us a death glare and went back to teaching us.

I sighed in relief and glanced beside me to see Brittany trying to stifle her laughter. I narrowed my eyes at her and she stuck her tongue out at me. Yeah, we were 17 and all, but we all have our childish moments.

Much to our glee, the bell rang soon. I got off my seat and walked over to where my other friends sat, Brittany following me.

"Hey, Faith" I greeted. Faith was one girl I wanted to keep friendship with, not just because she was a pretty nice person, because she was Faith Highmore. Yes, Evan's sister.
Don't get me wrong here; she's pretty lovely to be friends with. I'm not that bad of a person to befriend someone just because I had a crush on their brother.

"Hey, Hanna." She smiled, before getting up and walking to Evan. They exchanged a few words and he slipped her some money. Faith smiled at him and came back to us, sitting back down.

I was slightly disappointed, a quite irrational kind of disappointment, because I thought she would, for whatever reason, mention me to him. Stupid, I know. But a girl can dream?

"What was that about?" Brittany asked. Sometimes i thought that girl could read my mind, she says exactly what I want to say.

"Oh, I was just borrowing some money. I forgot my lunch money, silly me." Faith chuckled and I smiled. She didn't look much like Evan, she had long blonde hair that was almost always up, and big, light blue eyes with long eyelashes. I envied her eyelashes. No, I envied how she lives with Evan. Wait, what am I thinking? I'm being stupid again here.

"So Faith, how is Mark?" I teased. She blushed faintly, and I chuckled. She had a crush on Mark and he seemed to flirt with her at times. That boy better not be leading Faith on, if he breaks her heart, next day he'd be lying on a hospital bed with a broken jaw. Evan would beat him up.

"Uhm. He's er...okay. I don't really know. Or care. Well I do care I mean like he's a good friend and all. Yeah. He's good I guess."

We all acknowledged her shyness and looked at her with teasing eyes.

"What? Stop looking at me like that all of you!" She exclaimed, clearly bothered.

"It's okay Faith. You don't have to hide from us, we know you have the hots for him." said Sandy, with a laugh. With very curly brown hair and hazel eyes, Sandy was a fun person to be around. She and the redhead Tara were anime crazed, and all their conversation seemed to be related to anime. I think it is cool, but I don't watch any anime.

"Guys drop it. Everyone has crushes" Faith retorted.

"Not me." I blurted out, regretting it instantly. I was stupidly protective over my secret crush on her brother that only Brit knew.

Their eyes turned to me and Sandy smiled viciously.

"Oh my god, little Hanna has a crush!" She grinned at me.
Brittany started to choke on her water and quickly burst into laughter.

"What the heck Sandy? I just said I DON'T have a crush. And I am not little!" I pouted.

"That pout says otherwise." Tara smirked.

"We know you're one that would blurt stuff out when you're suddenly nervous, Han. We know you too well. Now spill." Faith said, trying to get my secret out.
Haha, there's no way on Earth I am going to say that I like her brother in front of her and my obnoxiously fun, teasing friends.
Brittany was still trying to control her laughter. I shot her a glare.

"I'm serious. I was being honest, I don't like anyone." Lies. Oh well, better than getting humiliated.

"Fine Hanna. We won't torture you." Sandy said, much to my relief.

I smiled in victory, as our Math teacher walked in and after greeting, started giving us questions to do. I quite enjoyed Maths and Physics, and I was one of the students with the highest grade.

Math period went by, and in that time I shot several stares at Evan. I couldn't get enough of his handsomeness and his charm. I could hear that little voice in my head saying "Hanna, this is going to go nowhere as he shows no sorts of interest in you. Just let it go." But I couldn't. Something kept me going back for this stupid big crush I had on him. I sighed, walking to my bus with Sandy and our friends, Lana and Millie.

"You alright Hanna?" asked Lana, noticing how I was in deep thought.

"Yeah I'm fine." I gave her a smile. "Bye guys. See you tomorrow." I said as I reached my bus. They waved and got into their buses. I took my seat and placed my bag beside me. I was pretty sleepy.
The bus didn't take much long, so sleeping wouldn't be such a great idea.

I heard someone calling my name.

"Hanna!" said Luke, my cousin. He lived next to me and was a class below me.

"Hey Luke." I replied. "Wake me up when my stop comes, will you? I'm tired."

He nodded, and I shut my eyes again, and fell asleep.


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