Chapter Three

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It was the weekend, and I was perched on my fluffy red bed,  laptop weighing down on my leg. Checking my Facebook was one thing I was almost sure I was addicted to. I was scrolling down my news feed when suddenly I stopped and my heart fluttered a small bit. Evan Highmore had posted a photo.

He was standing outside a café, with that brunette girl beside him. His arm was around her and they were both beaming. I stared at it for a while, trying to process it and trying to stop my mind from falling into general sadness. My heart was in my throat, pounding. He had a girlfriend. Every tiny chance of him liking me had disappeared. The more I pondered on it, my sadness increased. Taking a deep breath, I continued scrolling down, trying to find something to take my mind off Evan. 


My heart thudded loudly against my ribcage as I took in the messenger. Evan Highmore.


I stared at his message in disbelief, gaping. Snapping back to reality, I typed a reply.

Hey :)

I contemplated on my answer, was the smile too much? I hope not. 

His reply came soon.

How are you?

I was still surprised to see him talking to me.

Great. You?

He replied with,

Good. I feel sorry for how you got yelled at in chemistry.

A tiny smile appeared on my face.

Haha. Its okay, nothing new. I space out too much!

Was I talking too much?

Reply was,


Oh no. I bored him by talking too much and too free.

Who is that in your picture? I like her dress!

I sent, instantly regretting it. Why on earth did I asked such a stupid question?

Oh hahah, that's my girlfriend Amelia. Yeah, I liked her dress too! :P

My heart sank. It was official, Evan was happily taken.

Oh cool. Look, I'll talk to you some other time. I hear my sister calling. Bye.

I concluded our chat, feeling like I didn't want to talk to him anymore. It would just bring me more sadness. He was clearly just being friendly. Sighing, I got up off the bed and walked to my mirror. I analyzed myself.

Medium length dark brown hair that framed my heart shaped face. I had dark brown, boring eyes and I was an insecure person. I stood at 5"3, which wasn't exactly tall, which just adds up to my insecurity. I was...average looking.

Not ugly, but not the prettiest either. Or at least I felt so.

Guys didn't flirt with me much. There was, though, this one guy that had a huge crush on me and he told me that I am beautiful and stuff. I turned him down, because I didn't feel anything for him.

I obviously wasn't enough to catch Evan's attention. I let that sink in, accepting it. I was going to try my best to get over that boy, from this moment.

A familiar question rung in my head again. Why did Nathan look at me?

I heard another Ping! And I marched back to my bed, sitting back down. I looked at the notification, a smile creeping onto my face.

Nathan Woodfield has sent you a friend request.

I clicked Accept almost immediately, feeling excited and slightly giddy. I may be turning insane. Weren't I just thinking of him?

To my disappointment, Nathan suddenly turned offline. I breathed out and shrugged. We still have forever to talk, or at least I hoped.

Deciding to watch a movie, I plugged in my headphones and settled on a movie.

Halfway between the movie my eyelids started to droop. Eventually I reached the point where I could no longer process what was happening in the movie, I was merely looking at it, understanding nothing. Sluggishly I pushed the laptop off my lap and set my head down on the pillow, falling into deep, peaceful slumber.


"Han." I felt a poke on my cheek.

"Hanna!" I felt another poke.


I huffed, opening my eyes. I glared up at Savy and turned my head to another side, trying to fall back asleep.

"Not happening, young lady. Get up, its 6 in the evening. You missed lunch."

Did I really? I remembered Nathan friend requesting me... And then falling asleep between the movie. What if he was online? I suddenly got up with enthusiasm.

"Woah slow down there. We don't have any more french toast." She said, noticing my hype.

I just rolled my eyes, getting off the bed. Quickly washing my face, I jumped back onto my bed and turned the laptop on.

"Come on..." I muttered impatiently, as my 3 year old laptop slowly turned on.  "Ughh."

Why now?

When the home screen finally flashed on, I logged into Facebook and looked at my inbox.

My heart started pounding.

Hey, you free?

I quickly typed a reply, a bit hazed and confused on what to say. And why on earth was I nervous?

Yeah, what'sup?

His reply was,

About the Geography assignment...

Oh, I had totally forgotten about that wretched assignment. We were assigned to draw a huge map of Asia for the classroom.

Oh, that! When do we start?

He replied.

Whenever you can. :)

Okay, I was almost sure my heart just fluttered a tiny bit.

Well okay I guess, how about next Wednesday? We could start if English is free again.

I sent.

Alright. :)

I didn't quite feel like ending our conversation already.

So, Nathan. Haven't seen you around much before a few days ago...

Reply was, I've always been there... a few seats away. :P

I'm sorry... I haven't noticed. He just replied with another ':P' and...a wink.

He was cute. I grinned, a bit confused at the wink. Was he flirting? My heart sped up.

So you good at studies huh? He messaged.

I'm...okay I guess.

Really? Okay? You're one of the best... He replied, making me blush faintly.

Well, so are you. :P

Nerds RULE! B) I smiled, finding him cute.

Hahah, yes :D

It was actually quite comfortable talking to him, even though my heart was pounding a bit.

To my disappointment he sent;

Hey Hanna, gotta go. I'll talk to you later... Bye :)

Oh. Okay, Bye.

I sighed, logging off. Facebook was mostly boring anyway.

I decided to go do some homework, and fall back asleep.

Life was... nice.

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