Chapter Ten

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We entered Nathan's house and I felt excited yet nervous that I was staying over at his today.

The house was as warm and comfortable as the last time I saw it. His dad was sitting on the dark blue couch and his head turned to us when we walked in. He smiled at first but soon looked confused as he saw me.

"This is Nathan's friend, Hanna. She's staying over today." Nathan's mom explained and his dad smiled at me.

"Welcome, Hanna. Make yourself at home." He told me, making me grin happily. I was surprised at how easily he allowed a girl to stay over at his son's house, but I wasn't complaining.

"Thanks, Mr. Woodfield."

"Let's go upstairs." Nathan said and we made our way upstairs.

"Come down for dinner in a while!" His mom called out and he yelled an "okay" back.

I sat down on his bed, looking around.

"You need some clothes, don't you?" He asked, and I remembered that I'm still in the clothes I wore to the party.

"Yeah... but it's fine, I can sleep in this."

"Are you crazy? No, I'll give you some of mine."

I laughed lightly.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing, this is cliché."

"I know," He chuckled. "but you need clothes, so what else to do."

"Fine." I sighed. He rummaged through his closet and gave me some shorts and a black hoodie. I went to the washroom and changed into his clothes. They were obviously way too big. Thankfully, the waistband of the shorts fit or I'd have to meet with several embarrassing moments today. I chuckled at my reflection. I stepped out of the washroom and he began to laugh.

"Damn, that doesn't fit you."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Go ahead, laugh at me."

"Sorry." He said, still laughing.

"This will have to do." I sighed.

I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to make it look fine. I rubbed my eyes, feeling the tiredness wash through me.

"Are you sleepy?" He asked softly, and I nodded.

"Let's get some food and go to bed then. Today was a long day."

"Yeah, but it was fun... mostly." I said, remembering the fight. "Your lip..."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." He said, touching his bottom lip. "It doesn't hurt anymore, and I washed the blood away."

"That's good. You're kinda scary when you're angry..." I said in a low voice.

"I know, I barely get angry but when I do, I get seriously out of control. That boy never fails to piss the hell out of me."

I nodded. "It's okay. Just try to control yourself next time."

"What the heck was he thinking, asking you out?" He muttered, and my heart started to beat faster. The air around us suddenly went awkward.

"As you said, he did it to try to piss you off. I didn't think it'd actually work."

"Why not?" He asked, and I honestly had no clue how to answer that. So I said,

"I-I don't know."

He raised an eyebrow questioningly and I simply looked away. He sighed.

"You looking forward to your date tomorrow?" I plastered a smile on my face.

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