Chapter Nine

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"Han! Come out already!" Brit's voice yelled through the phone as I finished slipping on my sneakers. 

We were going to Jim's party and I had asked Brit to pick me up. I ended the call and said a quick goodbye to my parents before running out the door towards the car. 

"Ooh, you look nice!" She complimented.

"You look better, Brit."

"Pft, no..." She never seemed to accept compliments.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, we both know you're gorgeous."

Her blonde hair was curled and left loose. She wore white skinny jeans and a light pink top. She barely wore any make-up and still looked pretty. That reminded me...

"Oh, crap. I forgot eyeliner!" I exclaimed. 

"Good! You don't need that stuff to look pretty, Hanna." 


"Shh. You look great without it, okay?"

I didn't feel so myself, but I just nodded in response. My dark brown hair was in a loose side braid and I wore a deep blue top which reminded me of the walls and furniture of Nathan's house. I smiled faintly. Nathan's going to be there... I immediately felt nervous. 

We got out of the car once we reached Jim's house. It was big and looked very spacious, with a colorful and lively garden surrounding it. We walked into the house excitedly.

"Yo, Hanna and Hanna's friend! Welcome to my 17th." A hyper-looking Jim greeted, making us giggle.

"Hanna's friend." Brit mocked, scowling and I laughed.

"Wait, how do you know my name?" I inquired.

"Nathan talks about you all the timeeee! Right Nathan- Oww!" He turned to see Nathan hit him over the head. I chuckled.

"Hey, Hanna and Brittany. Don't mind him, he ate like two tubs of ice cream." 

"Come in! Oh, Hi Brittany." Jim said shyly.

"Hey." She said with a giggle, tucking her hair behind her ear. I gave her a knowing look and she glared at me. 

They started to talk and I excused myself, walking over to Nathan. I smiled at him, suddenly feeling a little shy. His brown hair was messy as usual, but it looked effortlessly good. He was wearing black jeans and a black shirt, which suited him well. My heart fluttered wildly in my chest as he smiled warmly at me. 

"You look pretty." He complimented and I couldn't help but blush like an idiot.

"Thanks...You look fine yourself." 

"Just fine?" He raised his eyebrows at me, a small smile playing on his face.

I rolled my eyes. "Conceited much?" I said, causing him to laugh lightly.

"Let's get something to drink. Come on." He tugged on my arm and I followed him to the drinks table. There were different kinds of juice and soda but obviously there was no alcohol, since we were all underage. Plus, Jim's parents were probably somewhere in here too. 

I quietly sipped my soda, looking around. There were many of my classmates walking around and chatting, some dancing randomly to the music playing in the backgrounds. There were pretty cool lights hanging from the ceiling, giving the room nice colorful lighting. 

"The party is pretty nice." I commented.

"Yep, it is." Nathan agreed. 

It was a little awkward because we simply stood there silently, glancing around the big room. I noticed Nathan gazing at me but he quickly looked away when I looked up. What was that about?

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