Chapter Seven

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I stepped out of the car, waving Dad goodbye and walked into the school grounds. It was Monday, and I was happy that I was going to see Nathan again. The incidents of Saturday kept replaying in my head, lifting my moods every time despite the fact that it was a boring Monday.

I met with Brittany, Lana, Faith, Sandy, Millie and Tara, hugging each one of them. We talked about random things till we got to our classes. Brit was the closest one to me, so I decided to tell her about Nathan.

"Brit." I called her and she came to my side.


"I wanna tell you something..."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Erm..." I looked down, biting my lip. "I like a guy."

"Yeah, Evan, I know..."

"I'm over Evan. I like someone else."

She looked surprised. "Didn't expect that. Ooh, is it that cute guy you hang out with recently?"

I nodded shyly, and she grinned.

"Hanna! Good thing you got over Evan, it didn't look like it would make you happy in the end."

"Hmm. His name's Nathan. I was at his house yesterday and we had such a great time, like, we even threw mud at each other and behaved totally crazy, and he hugged me and I was like freaking out because he smelled so good and you know when someone smells good they're like 10 times more attractive, and yeah I touched his hair, and-"

"Hanna, breathe."

I took a deep breath, and realized I've been ranting like an idiot. Brit started laughing.

"Seems like you really like this guy."

"I think I do... I don't know, he's just got these qualities that attract me... I'm scared, though."

"Why?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "He seems interested."

"I'm sure he's just being friendly." I sighed.

"Just don't take it too bad if he is, Han. There are plenty more boys in the world."

"Never met anyone like him so far..." I said, a little sad, and she gave me a comforting hug. I knew I could trust this girl and she trusted me as I knew her secrets and kept them to myself. We reached the class and walked in.

First class today was Physics, which I actually enjoy. Sadly, Nathan wasn't in my Physics class, but Evan and his obnoxious team was. We took our seats and the teacher came in.

To our glee, he had some work to finish so we were given some questions to do and he didn't take a lesson today. I eagerly finished all the questions, enjoying the subject.

"Han, help me with this!" Sandy whined, and I helped her to answer a question. She thanked me and I leaned back in my seat and looked around, bored.

I saw Amelia, the brunette who's dating Evan, get up from her seat and go over to him. She placed her knee on the side of his seat and leaned into him, whispering something and he smirked. The teacher was too busy to notice, to their luck. Everyone else were doing the Physics work we were assigned.

I looked away as she leaned in and gave him a kiss. In the middle of class, really? I glanced at them again and he had his hands on her shoulder, almost like he was trying to move her away. I shook my head.

Nudging Brit to get her attention, I motioned her to look over there. Her face scrunched up in disgust.

"They need to get a room." She retorted.

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