Tom #1

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This is my first request and it was requested by @littleorion1th! Thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

"Oh, Thomas" Tom heard his owner say in a singsong voice. He was currently curled up at the fireplace having a catnap, but decided to open his eyes and take a peek anyway.

"I want you to meet the newest member of this household, this is (y/n) the savannah cat"

He felt annoyance as he heard the mention of another cat coming into the house. What was wrong with him? Wasn't he enough? Alright, maybe he couldn't catch a single mouse but...wait? SAVANNAH CAT? His eyes widened in horror as he looked at you, though you gave him a friendly grin.

"Now you two make friends while i'm out"

Oh great. Now he was left alone with you.

"Hey! I'm (Y/n)! You must be T..." You stretched a paw out for him to shake but turned white with fear and shrieked.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!" He screamed and jumped to the ceiling.

"Tom?" You stared at his shaking form in confusion as he sunk his paws into the ceiling.

"Well...ok" You shrugged. "I'm off to find a snack" He watched in horror as he thought you meant to eat him! The thought of it! A wildcat in the house! 

He tried his best to steer clear of you but you kept jumpscaring him even though you didn't mean to. You were a little hurt that he kept avoiding you like this but you just carried on. Jerry began to take notice of Tom's fear around you. Jerry didn't care, he was sure he could outsmart anyone but he found the way Tom was acting around you hilarious and burst into a fit of giggles, thinking him a real scaredy cat. Tom noticed and immediately got offended and went off to chase the mouse. Jerry ran back in his mouse hole and Tom put his paw in the hole in the wall to try and pull him out, not paying attention to what was going on behind him.

"Um, excuse me" You slowly approached him and put a paw on his shoulder.

He turned around and was about to scream again but you put your paw over his mouth and spoke gently. "Tom, i'm not gonna hurt you, i'm not a wild animal, i'm just a cat, same as you" You smiled at him and although he was scared, he looked like he understood.

"Ok" He said cautiously as you put you paw down, warming up to you. "Gosh, i feel silly now" He blushed in embarrassment.

"I bet you do" You giggled and ruffled his hair. "Come on, let's go get something to eat" You smiled.

You both found a huge fish in the fridge which you both shared and you got to know each other real well as you both talked together. You thought he was silly, funny and real cute and thought that you were real smart and pretty. You listened intently as he told you all about Jerry, Spike and everyone else.

It was obvious you both like each other as you both talked slowly and couldn't stop looking at each other and were getting closer and closer with each word.

"Now kiss!" Cried Jerry and banged your heads together in a passionate kiss.

"WHy you...!" Tom shouted and waved his fist but then blushed and looked at you as you did the same.

"Hows about we do that again for real?" You offered and batted you lashes.

"I'd like that" He smiled before you both kissed again but this time for real.

Tom and Jerry x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now