Jerry #3

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Requested by @SamanthaTorres690, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

"TOM! TOM! GUESS WHAT??" The kid owner of the cat cried as he ran to his pet, unable to contain his excitement. The cat lazily opened an eye and unenthusiastically listened to the "big" news his owner had for him.

"Look! I got a new pet! A NEW PET! Look at her!" He grinned as he opened a little box with holes. "This is (y/n), my new pet mouse! Here, look after her, she could be like a little sister to you! Isn't that great?" Tom begged to differ. "Well, i gotta go have dinner, have fun together!" He giggled and rushed off.

He left the room and you were left alone with Tom. You looked up at him nervously and gave him a weak smile.

"Yeesh" Tom groaned. "Doesn't he know that cats HATE mice?" He then proceeded to brush you away away with his paw and sent you running terrified, as he chuckled and then lay back down to rest again.

You took off like a bullet away from him and quickly searched for some place to go. Your eyes quickly caught sight of a hole in the wall. Just what mice like! You took shelter in there and stood there panting, trying to get your breath back.  You didn't notice that you had just entered someone's home and that he was watching you, in shock. You then noticed him and your felt your heart beating out of your chest.

"Omg, i'm so sorry, i didn't even know anyone lived here! I'm so sorry" You kept apologising as he approached you. 

"It's alright" He tried to reassure you and calm you down a bit. "But can i just have an explanation, please? Sit down" he sat you down at a small table. "Now talk.

"I'm (y/n) and i live in this house now since i was picked up today, but the cat doesn't seem to like me much"

"What? Was it Tom who scared you like this?"

"Well yeah, after he chased me away. I'm guessing he doesn't like mice" You sighed.

"He's a cat, it's just what they do, but just stay here, I'll teach him to be rude to house guests" He pretended to roll up his sleeves and stormed out across the room to where the sleeping cat was. Tom noticed and frowned at him, but Jerry just made a gesture with his finger for him to come closer, and when he did, he kicked him square on the nose! Of course, Tom was angry at this and chased after him, but Jerry was too quick and ran off back to his hole in the wall as Tom gave up. You watched in admiration at him.

"Oh, i don't know what to say!" You marvelled at him.

"Thank you would be nice" He grinned. "But where are my manners? I'm Jerry"

"Thanks Jerry!" You exclaimed at hugged him tightly. "Oh, sorry" You blushed and pulled away.

"It's ok, bring it in" He smiled and put his arms out for you. And that was the beginning of a BEAUTIFUL friendship and an even more beautiful crush.

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