Tom #4

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Requested by @pinecone_rosewater, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

"Please just leave me alone!" You begged and pleaded.

"Nah, not likely" Tom smirked as he shoved you hard, out of the way and stole your bowl of dinner. You whimpered as a tear fell from your eye from hurt. You were a young fox and your owner had found you out in the cold one winter and took you in and you knew this displeased her other pets and also the mouse who lived there. They all hated each other to pieces but they got on well enough when they were bullying you.

"Nice one, Tom" Spike laughed and slapped him on the back, but the force caused his face to fall into the bowl and he got up and frowned, still covered in your dinner, and Jerry just stood there, slapping his knees and laughing hysterically.

You didn't know just how you were going to face one more day of this. You loved your home and your owner was just the sweetest lady you ever met, but you were sick of being picked on all the time. Tom was the worst one though, as he was in the middle of the hatred, hated by Spike and Jerry, he was like the middle child of the group, you thought. You dusted yourself off and went outside. The worst part was when she saw the empty bowl, she thought that you had eaten your dinner, but since you had no words, you couldn't tell her what was going on and she didn't seem to question why you were so thin and starved.

You went out of the flap in the door and went outside to scrape the bins for something to eat. You would often have to do this as they would usually eat all your food. You groaned and opened a lid and searched for scraps. Someone heard you and looked over. It was Butch, the alleycat. He stared at you for a minute before you realised someone's gaze was upon you and you turned around and looked.

"hey, you, Foxy" He called and you gulped and turned around and looked at him.

"yes, Sir?" 

"Aren't you that fox what lives in that house with the cat and mouse and the dog?" He asked and you were growing ever more fearful.

"Um, yes, but..."

"Well then what are you doing here scraping the bins?" He angrily demanded. "You must get plenty of food and now you're stealing mine!"

"NO! NO! It's not like that at all!" You tried to give him your explanation, but he didn't want to hear it.

He grabbed you and it looked like you were in for it. "I'm gonna..."

But as he said this, who happened to be out for a stroll but Tom, Jerry and Spike. They all looked very pleased with themselves at first, but they came to a screeching halt and all gasped in shock as they caught Butch, about to give you what for.

"Hey, look, Butch is bullying (y/n)" Tom said in frustration.

"Well we can't allow that, that's OUR job" Said Spike and pounded his large fist.

"Let's get him, fella's!" cried Jerry as they all angrily charged towards the black cat and beat him to a pulp, saving you in the process. You were glad that this happened because everything changed for you since then.

"Take my spot at the fire, (y/n)" Spike offered with a smile.

"And please, have this milk, i wasn't thirsty anyway" Said Tom as he shoved a bowl at you.

"Want some cheese? It's imported?" Smiled Jerry.

"Woah, thanks, guys! I really don't know what to say!" You smiled gratefully. They might've not been able to stand each other, but at least they all like you now.

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