Tom #5

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Requested by @pinecone_rosewater, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

"Whatcha doing, (y/n)?" Tom asked you with a wide grin.

"I'm trying to finish this bone, Tom, and it would help if I had some peace" You answered impatiently as your annoying and clingy boyfriend was following you around all day and it was really bugging you now.

"Oh, ok. Would you like any sauce for it or anything?" He offered with sparkling eyes.

"No, but a little more meat on it would've been a lot better. Eh" you shrugged and went back to chewing your bone. Tom left you a lone for a few more minutes before starting again.

"Do you need salt? Of course you do! Everyone needs salt! Want me to get you some?"

"No, Tom, meat is salty enough. Shouldn't you be out looking for your own dinner?" You were becoming more and more visibly annoyed now.

"Well yeah, but this is Jerry we're talking about"

"Fair enough" You shrugged and focused your attention back on your dinner. You hoped tom would behave so you could enjoy whatever morsel of food was left on your bone, but No, he had to start again.

"Ooh, is that an ant on your bone? Here lemme clean it off for you" He grinned and snatched your bone right from under your paws, but this was the final straw for you and you growled at him to leave you alone. It was pretty clear that he got the message as he ran off, crying. You were ok with this as it meant that you got to finish your dinner in peace, but when you tried to eat, you felt too sick to manage anything as you realised how guilty you felt for what you did to Tom.

"Poor Tom" you sighed as you got up from your kennel to go see where he was. You only hoped that your brother, Spike hadn't found him first, cos that would mean the end for Tom as he wasn't approving of your relationship with him anyway.

You found him lying there at the fire like most cats do, feeling sorry for himself.

"Hey, Tom" you said softly.

"What do you want?" He choked.

"I...I just wanted to say I'm sorry for snapping at You, I really didn't mean it" you whispered softly.

He got up and looked at you and you could see the forgiveness in his eyes and you smiled.

"Mind if I lay here too?" You asked.

"Of course not!" 

You put your paws around him and lay down there with him and just cuddled together, feeling glad that he had forgiven you.

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