Tom #6

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Requested by @pinecone_rosewater, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

It was a cold Winters night. Snow was falling outside and the wind was icy, but you didn't worry about that. You were currently laying there at the fire, snuggling with your boyfriend, Tom. He was simply the greatest, you thought and there was nothing you'd rather be doing than just being here with him now.

Only problem was that you were both hogging the fire and this didn't please Jerry, so he decided to try and embarrass you both in hope of getting a space to himself.

"Hey, look at you two lovebirds" He sniggered and Tom frowned but you just giggled and cuddled Tom closer.

"What do YOU want, twerp?" Tom grunted and flicked him away. Jerry just got back and marched back toward Tom, rubbing his sore behind at the same time.

"Nothing more than to observe whatever it is you two have got going on" Jerry said innocently, but with a wicked twinkle in his wide eyes.

You didn't mind Jerry, let him watch all he wanted, you were just happy to be in the moment, but Tom was annoyed and uncomfortable. "What do you mean this thing we've got going on? What thing???'

"Your little weird romance thing, or whatever" He giggled, covering his mouth.

This was just too much for poor Tom and he lost it. "There is nothing going on between us! Now leave me alone!" He yelled and turned around so he didn't have to look at the mouse.

What.did.he.just.SAY???!?!? "WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE'VE GOT NOTHING GOING ON?" You whimpred and small, salty tears ran down your cheeks.

"No, no, i didn't mean that at all" Tom tried to explain but you weren't listening to any of it and so you ran off.

"Now look what you done!" Tom snarled at Jerry, his brow furrowed in frustration.

"That wasn't me, that was all you, my friend" Jerry replied as he curled up in the heat.

Tom realised the pain in his words and nashed at his nails with worry. Oh why did he say that? And where were you? He threw his scarf and mittens on and rushed out the door, searching desperately for you out in the cold.

"(y/n)? (y/n)? Where are you? Come on, this isn't funny!" He called.

"I'll say it isn't" You sniffed and his ears perked up as he recognized your sweet voice and ran to you, throwing his arms around you, but you shoved him aside.

"don't touch me" You huffed. "I didn't think you wanted anything to do with me"

"Aww, come on! Don't be like that! I didn't say that"

"Well what about what you said to Jerry?  You told me that i was special!"

"And you are! I would've said ANYTHING to Jerry to make him leave me alone so that i could be with you" He said.

"Really?" You looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Of course" He smiled softly. "You're freezing, come on, let's get you home"

You both went home together where he wrapped a blanket around and made you a cup of hot cocoa, before putting his arm around you. "You are special to me, you know that?"

Tom and Jerry x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now