Tom #3

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Requested by @pinecone_rosewater, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

"Hey, Tom, look!" You exclaimed and tugged on his fur. He was obviously busy but he tried his best to make time for you.

"What is it now, (y/n)?" He answered, though he didn't really want to take his eyes off the mouse, Jerry, he was preying on.

"Look at this handstand i can do!" You giggled as you tried your best to impress him and get his attention.

"Yeah, that's neat" He really wasn't interested but he didn't want to be rude. You could see through his pretence though and it hurt. You were as old as the rest of the cats, but you were very small and insecure and you admired Tom so much and all you wanted was his attention.

"Hey, Tom" You stood on your toes and tapped his shoulder.

"What now?" He rolled his eyes but tried to smile politely as he was busy laying a trap for Jerry and you were really bothering him with all your talk.

"Do you wanna go outside with me? It's a great day outside! The sun is shining and there's plenty of food in the kitchen so maybe we could have a picnic and..."

"AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You were stopped by the sound of him screaming! He put his paw in the hole in the wall, and little did he know that Jerry had a nice big mouse trap waiting for him! He pulled out his abnormally swollen and throbbing paw and looked at it for a moment before shooting a glare at you. "(y/n)! Will you please go away?" He snapped You're such a pest! No wonder this is happening to me! You're just a jinx! Shoo! Can't you tell when you're not wanted?"

You were horrified! The cat you looked up to more than anyone else in this whole world, speaking to you like THAT? Your eyes started welling up with tears and you ran off, crying.

Tom was in pain and angry and he didn't realise the hurt he had caused you, but Jerry noticed it all and was disgusted.

"Tut, tut" Jerry stood there at the entrance of his home, clicking his tongue and looking at Tom with disapproval.

"What?" Tom frowned in annoyance.

"Look at what you did to little cat! Sure, (y/n)s a little over enthusiastic, but (y/n) thinks the world of you. Not that anyone really thinks that much of you"

Tom was in a bad mood, but he realised the truth in the mouse's words and the guilt hit him like  a ton of bricks. "Gosh, you don't think that (y/n) is really hurt, do you?"

"Well i'd sure imagine so. I know i'd be, so hows a timid little thing like that gonna cope with it?"

"We'll have to finish this some other time. Right now i gotta go check on that poor thing!" Poor Tom!

He heard sobbing in the other room and so he knocked on the door. You stopped crying for a moment as you heard the knocking. "(y/n)? Can i come in? You heard his shaking voice at the other end. You got up and opened the door and looked at his sad face. "What do you want?"

"A-are you alright?" He asked and twiddled his thumbs as he looked down at your tiny, shaking form.

"Do i look okay to you?" 

"(y/n), i'm just really, really sorry, i can't say just how sorry i am!" He frantically kept apologising over and over again. "Will you please stop looking at me with those huge sad eyes? And please dry your tears" He said softly.

"W-well you know you're my hero and inspiration"

He flushed with pride when you said this. "I am?"

"Yeah, you know how i'm so small compared to the other cats and to be honest...i'm kinda insecure about it, so i'm sorry if i was bugging you but you have no idea how much that hurt" 

"Aww, come on! You're great!" He smiled and put a paw around you.

"I-i am?" You sniffled.

"Sure! Any cat would be lucky to know you. Look, i told Jerry that we'd call it off for one day and we can have that picnic you were talking about?"

Your eyes lit up at this. "Really? Oh, thank you, Tom! You're the best!" You cried and threw your tiny form on him and hugged him. He was a big blushing mess and he didn't know what to do! He looked around awkwardly and then put his own arms around you in a hug, before you both pulled away and left for your picnic.

Tom and Jerry x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now