jerry #5

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Requested by @L0VER_PENELOPE, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

"Come in in, Jerry! The waters fine!" You laughed and splashed about in the cool, glittering lake outside.

"Uh, no thanks, I'll just sit here and finish my lemonade" He answered rather quickly and looked away.

"You sure? It's a hot day?' You asked and raised an eyebrow as you did the backstroke.

But his speech was muffled as he was still sipping from his straw, but something gave you the feeling he was deliberately trying not to answer.

"Something the matter, Jerry?" You asked and then started splashing about with your arms and long tail and you got water all over him.

"Uugh! I'm all wet now!" He groaned and the huffed and marched off.

"Wait! Come back! I didn't mean to do that! I'm sorry!" You apologised and got out of the water to run after him.

"It's fine" He sighed and wiped down some of the water.

"I'll get you a towel if you want. Gee, i didn't realise that would bother you that much"

"It's not getting wet that's bothering me" He said, his back turned to you.

"Well what's wrong?" You asked. You knew something was up with him before and you were right.

"It's just" He looked up to the sky. "I can't swim" He confessed in embarrassment.

"That's all? Well i guess i could teach you" You smiled and put an arm around him.

He looked at you and his eyes lit up. "Really? Oh thanks!" He laughed and shook your paws frantically. He could be so adorable at times.

"Of course, Jerry! It's fine" You chuckled and held his paw as you led him to the lake. You prepared yourself a little before diving. "Watch and learn" You jumped in and started swimming like a fish.

"Woah" He watched in amazement at your flawless swimming. "I thought you were a red squirrel, not a fish!"

You smiled at this as you got out of the water and dried your fur a little. "Thanks, now you try"

"M-me?" He gasped. "But i can't!" He shook a little from the fear.

"Of course you can! I'll show you how! Trust me" You said sweetly as you grabbed his paw and slowly led him in. You stopped as he was waist high in water.

"Now watch. Look! You gotta keep kicking your legs, like this" You instructed him and he watched.

"Alright, I'll try" He waded closer and closer and tried his best. He sank a little first, but you held him and showed him there was nothing to be afraid of and he eventually seemed to be getting the hang of it.

"Hey! I'm doing it! I'm swimming!" He cried in amazement and laughed and started paddling about.

"I told you that you could do it!" You grinned widely and splashed him again.

"Hey!" He chuckled and splashed you back. You both just swam all day together until it turned to night and this wonderful day came to an end.

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