Jerry #1

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Requested by @drussell12, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

You threw your hands in the air and cheered. You had just escaped from the local laboratory and you wanted to celebrate that you got out before anything could happen to you, but first you needed to find a place to stay.

 You looked in awe at your surroundings cos you had never seen the big city before and it was beautiful. You were busy taking it all in when you saw something run past you. It was a brown mouse and you were watching him when you then caught sight of the cat he was running from.

"Oh no" You thought to yourself in terror as you joined him and ran off in hope of escaping from the feline. You saw the other mouse turn into an alleyway and you quickly followed suit. The cat kept on running as he thought that he was still chasing you two and you sighed in relief as you had given him the slip. You were standing there with the mouse, tying to get your breathe back. He took a quick glance at you and his eyes widened in horror.

"Something wrong?" You asked in confusion.

"'re a lab mouse, aren't you?" He asked in terror, slowly backing away from you.

"Well yeah, i am, was before i escaped, thankfully before they could do any experiments on me" You frowned at the thought.

"They haven't given you anything?" He was beginning to ease up a little.


"Phew. Sorry, it's just that the last white mouse i encountered exploded"

You looked in shock at the thought. "Uuugh, that's horrible!"

"scientists, am i right?"

"You said it best"

"Oh excuse me for not introducing myself before, i'm Jerry" He smiled charmingly and put his paw out for you to shake.

"Pleased to meet you, Jerry. I'm (y/n) and i just escaped from the local laboratory where i was born"

"Born there? Have you ever  been outside before?" He asked in amazement.

 "Nope" You shook your head. " i've never seen the city before until now, it's so beautiful" Your rested your face on your hands and your eyes sparkled.

"I pity you then, the citys great, except for the cats."

"Yeah, i'm gonna have to steer clear of them" You said, remembering your encounter with the tomcat about twenty minutes previously. "But i would love to see more of the city."

"Would you like me to, you know, show you around?" He offered with a friendly smile.

You liked him and that made your answer obvious. "Sure!"

And so he took you by the paw and he showed you around town. The city lights were so beautiful, you had so much fun together and he even showed you somewhere were you could both get something to eat.

"Wow, Jerry, tonight has been amazing" You smiled at your new friend as you both looked down at the view on that wonderful night. "But i have to go find somewhere to stay now that i don't live in the lab anymore"

He quickly thought it over. "You could come stay with me" He offered kindly.

"Stay with you? Where do you live?" You asked.

"In a house not far from here. It's great! i live in a hole in the wall and i just had it renovated for my nephew for when he stays! It's spacious, warm, there's a well stocked fridge, the only downside though is Tom. Whaddo ya say?" He asked hopefully.

"Who's Tom?" You asked in confusion.

"Oh, he's that tomcat that was chasing us earlier. He's no threat"

You thought it over for a minute before accepting his generous offer. "Well, ok! I really don't know how to thank you!" 

"Oh, there's really no nee..." You threw your arms around him and cut him off with a kiss before pulling away, leaving him a big blushing mess.

"But i guess that ought to cover it" He said as he adorably wiped his little face as you giggled and left with your new friend.

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