Jerry #4

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Requested by @elly1233_rights, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

"uugh, where am i?" You rubbed your head and looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings. You jumped and gasped as looked around as you were now looking at a farm rather than the usual forrest territory you were used to. You wondered how this happened, but then you remembered about the airplane you had climbed on and you realised you must have fallen off. Lucky for you the hay broke your fall. All you needed to do now was to figure out where you were exactly.

You walked out of the barn and looked around at the view. It was quite peaceful and you enjoyed that, but it wasn't going to last for long, as a moment later, a chase between a cat and mouse was underway and you didn't want to get caught up in the middle. You gasped when you saw the cat and ran behind the barn. The mouse went past so you grabbed and snatched him behind the barn to safety. The cat ran off, still in pursuit of the mouse who was nowhere to be seen. It was now safe! 

"Phew!" You sighed and wiped the sweat from your brow, and then you noticed the funny way the other mouse was looking at you.

"Thanks for saving me" He smiled. "Say, are you a mouse?"

"Well yeah" You answered, glad to know what his fascination was about. "I'm a long tailed Asiatic climbing mouse" You smiled shyly.

"Gee! I've seen pictures of those in books and tv, but never in real life! Pleased to meet you! I'm Jerry!" He put his paw out for you to shake.

"Oh, hi, Jerry, I'm  (y/n)" You answered awkwardly. He was very polite, but you weren't the best with social situations and it was clear he was interested in you and was desperate to get to know you. "Um, listen, Jerry, i gotta get going, sorry"

"Aww, don't wanna stand around and talk?" He looked at you in disappointment.

"I'm not that interesting" You looked at the ground in embarrassment. "I'm sorry" You said and wandered off. He watched after you. He was desperate to know more about you but it was clear you weren't going to let that happen. He had made several attempts that day to get you to talk, but it was clear you weren't going to let that happen. He needed a plan and a good one. He considered a few, but then realised what he needed to do but needed the help of an old friend to do this.

"Ha! ha! What a good plan!" Quacker laughed a good natured giggle as Jerry whispered his idea to him. "I'll help!" He smiled. And so they were both to carry out the plan the next day. They both waited until You were in sight and then both winked at each other to go ahead with the plan. Quacker took a run up and jumped into the water and then started flapping his wings back and forth and then started shouting for help. "HELP! HELP! HELP!"

You could see him but you thought he was just joking about. After all, he was a duck, and all ducks can swim, can't they? Even Jerry was doubting him now. "Wait a minute...Quacker, can you swim?" He asked, wondering if there may be a few problems with his plan. "Not at all! HELP!" the duckling cried and then began to sink. Jerry gave a shriek of horror and dived in after him. You weren't interested in what either was doing, but then you looked and then you caught sight of some ripples in the water. You thought that it was a fish at first, and so you didn't care, but then you noticed two heads bobbing about in the water and one of the was Jerry! You gave a shriek of horror and started to panic. What could you do? You couldn't swim either, but then you remembered how you used your tail to save Jerry before and so you gave that a try. You stood at the edge and threw your tail like a lasso and pulled the boys to shore. They were both wet and in a state of shock, but they both quickly got over that.

"(y/n), you saved me again!" Jerry marvelled once he could finally get his words out.

"I-you know, i guess i did!" You glowed with pride.

"You're a hero!" Quacker exclaimed and hugged you, making you blush.

"Say, no good deed goes unrewarded with me" Jerry said slyly. "You don't suppose i could take you to dinner to make up for it?"

"Dinner?" You asked. You were now getting the feeling there may have been a hidden motive behind this, but what the hey, he helped you build your confidence. "Alright, why not?" You shrugged and linked your arm in his before strolling off with your new friend.

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