Tom #2

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Requested by @kaylawolf_offical, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

It was just a normal day for the cat and mouse duo. Tom was chasing Jerry and had already been beaten, burned, bruised and blown up with dynamite. Yup, perfectly normal. Upon remembering most accidents happen in the home, Tom decided to take his chase with Jerry outside, where hopefully he'd finally catch the little rodent.

They ran through the streets, past all the rows of other houses until Tom caught sight of something that made him come to a screeching halt. He saw a female cat, sitting there in your garden and stopped in his tracks to admire you. He was lovestruck! he slicked back his hair and was about to make a move, when he then remembered the mess he was in from his scraps earlier that day. He couldn't approach you looking like this! He would have to get himself cleaned up first and....

But before he could finish his train of thought, he heard a seductive voice say, "Hiya, toots"

Tom gasped as he saw his rival, Butch, moving in his territory and lowering his chances with you! He watched in horror as he pulled out a bouquet of flowers and listened as he sweet talked  you and there was nothing he could do about it. He sighed and walked off, kicking a can on the road and looking subdued as he went home. Jerry noticed he wasn't being chased anymore and so he tried to get Tom's attention again, but nothing was working as Tom headed home and then lay on his bed and curled into a ball for a cat nap.

Jerry was puzzled by him and Spike never noticed, but when he did, even he seemed concerned.

"Say, what's the matter with ya, bub? You're not as annoying as usual" Asked Spike, but Tom just brushed him off and Jerry shrugged as he hadn't the faintest idea either. "Well, come on, what is it?"

Tom sighed. "Well there was this girl..." 

"Aww, ain't that always the case?" Spike chuckled and Jerry sat there giggling at him. Tom frowned at them and they eventually stopped.

"Alright" Spike continued. "Let's be serious here. What about this girl?"

"Well i saw her earlier on today. She was so pretty" He said dreamily. "But Butch moved in on her before i could make my move" He sulked.

"Why didn't you just pulverize him like you usually do?" Spike asked in confusion.

"Well, take a look at me! I couldn't approach her looking like this!" He exclaimed and showed them just how messed up and bloody and bruised he was from his earlier scrap with Jerry.

"Ooh, that's some nasty scrapes" Mused Spike. "Well, we can't have some girl making you miserable, that's MY job"

"And mine!" Added Jerry as he jumped on the dogs paw.

 It's a joint effort. Well, go outside and we'll see to you"

Tom was confused but went along with it anyway and as soon as he got out...SPLASH Spike had turned on the garden hose and sprayed the cat as he was now flying back against the fence, knocking it down!

"AAAAGH!" Tom SCREAMED! "Don't you know cats h-hate water?' He shivered. 

"Do you want to impress this girl or not?" Snapped Jerry.

"Well yes" Tom answered, taken aback by the mouse's spunk.

"Well then take this" He said and handed Tom a bar of soap which he reluctantly used to scrub himself down with. 

"Couldn't i have just licked myself clean? I am a cat you know"

"Oh quit complaining" Spike rolled his eyes and bent down and picked some flowers out of the garden. "Here, take these to impress the lady" He winked. "Now we gotta work on your pickup lines.

"Pickup lines?"

"Well yeah, you can't just sit there and say nuthin to her! Now what would really make a girls heart melt?" Spike thought long and hard, his brow creasing a bit.

"Oh! Oh!" Jerry raised his hand. "How about this? Roses are red, violets are blue, both are beautiful and so are you!"

"Nah, that's too soft. Hows about this? Hey, babe, any plans for tonight? Hope they include me! Howzat?"

Tom cringed at both of their futile attempts. "Look, I'm sorry but i think she'd appreciate me just being myself"

They both shrugged. "Suit yourself. Now off you go you heartbreaker you!"

Tom strutted off down the street, flowers in paw and heart on his sleeve, looking every bit the romantic as he knocked on your door.

"Hello?" You answered and you saw that cat who lived besdie you, then you noticed the flowers he was holding. "Oh, are these for me? Thank you!" You smiled and sniffed them. "Come on in"

"Thanks for the flowers, Tom, right?" He nodded. "Well, it seems that so far, you're ahead of my other suitors"

"Suitors?" He gasped. "You mean Butch?"

"Well yeah"


"Of course! I mean he's nice and all, but the guy lives in a bin! Can you imagine having to kiss and hug a guy who always smells like rotten fish guts?" You turned your nose up in disgust.


You chuckled and he put his arm around you and you both got to talking before watching  some tv together.

"Yup, we did good today, mouse" Spike smiled with pride at Jerry who did the same as they watched Tom from your window as you were both getting on like a house on fire. 

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