1- If I Had One Wish

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"If ever a time to break down, why now?" Han yelled in exasperation.

"Grrrhh" Chewbacca growled.

"It was a rhetorical question, Chewie" Han said, rolling his eyes.

Leia watched them argue and chuckled. She had finally found her family. The love of her life and her brother. Chewie was an added bonus. She stood a bit away from the ship examining the planet's land.

"Master Solo, I do suggest the utmost care of this part" C3PO said.

Leia folded her arms as Han gestured a tool in his face. 3PO yelped and walked away, back onto the falcon.

"Leia over here" Luke yelled for his sister.

'Luke they're gonna kill each other if I walk away' Leia said through their connection.

'The worse they'd do to each other is bicker like an old married couple' Luke replied.

Leia walked over to Luke's side. She stared out in the same direction as Luke. There was a large temple in the distance. Then there was a pull that wanted her to go to it.

She turned her gaze to Luke.

"Our connection is growing stronger as you do," Luke complemented.

"Talking to you is like talking in my head Luke" Leia said and shrugged.

"There look" Luke said and pointed.

"Woah... it's like an abandoned city" Leia said, amazed at the size of the building.

"This is a Jedi temple. I never thought it would be this empty and full at the same time. I thought it would be ransacked when we were traveling here" Luke said and shrugged.

"Well er what if it's trying to protect itself. Maybe only Jedi are allowed in" Leia said.

"Excellent Leia" Luke said and Leia blushed, "until the next Jedi train the next generation".

"Okay, let's get down there," Leia said.

"HAN" Luke yelled down to Han who was in fact arguing with Chewie.

"WHAT KID?" He yelled back.


"BE CAREFUL" he yelled back.



"GRHHHHHHHH" Chewie yelled.

Luke smiled and looked at Leia who was also smiling.

"This communication could have been done on the comm link" Leia said, folding her arms across her chest.

"It's funnier to see Han yell at the top of his lungs" Luke said.

Leia smiled and nodded. Luke jerked his head in the direction of the temple and they made the descent down the hill towered it. They finally got to the steps where a helmet sat untouched.

"Clone helmet," Luke said, looking at it.

Leia stared at it bitterly and watched Luke touch the helmet and closing his eyes for a second. He sighed and stood looking at Leia and gesturing for her to follow him.

They walked in and were immediately hit with an incredible sense of dread. Something bad had happened here. The senses were picking up everything from smell to feelings.

"Oh I feel sick," Leia said, throwing her hand over her mouth.

"This... this is where... The Purge claimed many Jedi lives. I think their bodies are still here" Luke said through a strained voice, "that's the only way this feeling can be so extreme".

"Oh my" Leia said, holding her stomach.

"I wish this never happened" Luke said once he confirmed with himself he wouldn't throw up, "we could have seen it when it was brighter. When it was light. Leia... we could have had a father and mother".

Do you want that chance, young Jedi?

"Who's there" Luke said, quickly whipping out and igniting his lightsaber.

Leia pulled out a blaster along with her own newly made lightsaber. They stood back to back in fear of whatever spoke to them.

Do you want that chance, young Jedi?

Luke looked at Leia who was still tense.

'What do we say'

'I want a chance to change this but what if they're lying'

What I say to you is only truth. I will give you a chance to redeem your father. However you must learn to trust each other and him.

'I already trust my brother'

'And I trust my sister'

Then learn to trust who your father was and not dwell on who he will become.

Luke looked at Leia who slightly nodded.

"Alright" Luke said and grabbed Leia's hand.

Be wary young Jedi. Keep the trust in each other and work together. Don't let yourselves stray from the path I pave. I give you a chance to save your father and the Jedi order.

"I accept," Luke said.

"I can't say that I will ever forgive my father for what he did," Leia said and pulled her hand from Lukes.

"Leia..." Luke started.

"No.." Leia said, turning, "he destroyed my entire planet and tortured me. I will never forgive him for that".

Then I give no chance unless your decision becomes unanimous.

Luke looked down.

"I'm sorry, Luke," Leia said.

"It's time I told you about our father," Luke said.

"What? What do you mean?" Leia asked, confusion taking over her every emotion. Her brother watched her carefully.

"Come sit with me and I'll tell you everything" Luke said.

Leia's conflict ate her up inside. Deep down, the urge to forgive her father was great and she could feel her heart wanted to forgive. He killed her family. No Vader did. She watched her planet, the one she was tasked to protect blow to smithereens. Her family and her people were gone forever. The life she had known had been gone.

No, she would never forgive her father. Or could she not forgive Vader. After all she didn't have to forgive a Sith. She could forgive a Jedi. She could forgive Anakin Skywalker if only she learned about him.

Leia looked at Luke. Her brother, her last family other than Han and Chewie. He knew her better now but what she wouldn't give to know him all her life. She could know her real mother and not the feelings she associated her with. If anything, she'd do it for Luke, her mother, and maybe her father if she could find it in herself to know him. Maybe even talk to him.

Leia smiled and walked over to Luke. She sat on the floor in front of him mirroring his cross-legged appearance.

"So tell me," Leia said.

"I'll do one better" Luke said almost mischievously, "I'll show you".

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