34- I Lost A Friend

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The clone trooper army ran into battle confidently. Their general ran right by them calling out to the others. Anakin ignited his lightsaber followed by Luke's and Ahsokas.

Han and Leia shot their blasters as the battle with the droids commenced.

Anakin and luke fought side by side. Deflecting blaster fire from hitting themselves and eachother. Leia shot her blaster expertly hitting every target she shot at. The droids would explode into small pieces of scrap when destroyed.

"Flank em flank em" yelled a clone on Luke's right.

"Close in" yelled another.

"Watch out" Luke yelled to Anakin hurling his lightsaber at a droid behind him.

Anakin rolled away slashing the three droids who had tried to corner him.

"Careful will you" Anakin yelled.

"Well... would you rather have your head blasted off?" Luke asked stopping for a moment.

"You are definitely my son" Anakin said said pointing at Luke slightly with his lightsaber.

"There are too many of them master" Ahsoka said, "we have to retreat".

"Not without trying to get to Obi-Wan" Anakin said, "We have to try".

Ahsoka sighed and twirled her lightsabers. She then jumped from the ground onto a group of droids that stayed together.

"We will die if we stay here" Han yelled, "We're weren't prepared for this many enemies".

"We'll be fine" Anakin shot back swinging his weapon above his head to destroy a droid.

Anakin sprinted through the fight to the ship. Luke and Leia followed behind him covering him as he ran. They reached a part on the battle field where it was more calm. They could take a second to breathe.

"What's the plan?" Luke yelled to Anakin.

"I don't have one" Anakin yelled back, "just follow me".

Luke gave a huff of annoyance, but kept following Anakin. They cut down droid troops as they ran towred the Separatists ship. The door opened and they duck behind a wall of sand.

"The ship is crawling with droids and we're just gonna walk in?" Leia asked.

"What else can we do, Leia?" Luke asked.

"Well we should have at least gone in with a plan" Leia said.

"Plan, get in and try our hardest to get Obi-Wan and not die" Anakin said.

"That's not... er ahh" Leia said frustrated.

She still followed them into the ship. The sound of the battle outside was drowned out by the mechanical sounds of the ship. The air flowing or the machines making a kind of clanking sound. They walked slowly constantly looking behind them. There were doors opening on each sides, but they looked to just be rooms.

"Why are there rooms when the entire army is made up of droids?" Luke asked.

"The separatists will have humans to manage a few things" Anakin said, "Droids can only do so much you know".

"Where is Obi-Wan?" Luke asked.

"Well he wouldn't be on this floor" Anakin said, "So we'll have to go up

"Up into enemy ship" Leia said, "Right. What are we gonna do when we find him? We don't even know his moves. He could he completely spontaneous as a sith lord. We'd never know".

"I know his moves" Anakin said.

"Do you?" Luke questioned, "Siths don't exactly keep their jedi fighting style. They get aggressive. They use their feelings of anger and hate to succeed at winning their battle".

"We'll figure it out. How hard can it be? He's my friend. I know him" Anakin said.

"Anakin dont get over confident. You have to understand what I'm telling you. He'll fight dirty. He'll use moves you never thought he'd use" luke said.

"If you don't want to come with fine" Anakin said and started running.

Leia and Luke looked at eachother before starting to run after him. A door closed from the top preventing them from joining their father. Luke whiped out his lightsaber.

"What are you doing?" Leia questioned taking out her blaster.

She covered him as he cut through the wall. She shot at three droids coming towreds her.

"Get back to Ahsoka and Han. Twll them anakins doing something stupid" Luke said.

"What are you going to do?" Leia said frustrated.

She whipped out her own lightsaber cutting down the droids. She felt a bit sloppy as if she had just hit them like hitting the ground with a stick.

"Something stupid" Luke said and squeezed his way through the gap in the door he had made.

"Luke!" She said trying to grab him.

"I'll be fine. Just go, we need back up" Luke said.

Leia rubbed her forehead frustrated, but still nodded and ran the way they came.


Ahsoka leaped from a sand dune onto a droids back. She stabbed both her lightsabers into the droids back. The battle raged on with such ferocity as a flame. The light started to become a dull red as the tatooine sun's started to set.

Han was a bit far from ahoka but was holding his own against the droid army defending upon him.

Leia came running down the steep sand hills cutting down the droids who were in her way. She ran over to Han who had stopped. The droids started to retreat back to the ship.

"What's going on?" Han yelled.

Ahsoka ran to their side out of breath. She held her stomach as she looked at the ascending ship.

"Anakin and Luke are doing something stupid" Leia said, "they're going after Obi-Wan".

"Anakins feelings cloud his judgment" Ahsoka said, "he'll get himself killed".

"Well we can't think of that now. We need to go help them" Leia said.

"No. We need a proper plan. Obi-Wan may be a sith now but he's not stupid. He expected this. Even evil Obi-Wan knows Anakins movements. Like he knows his own" Ahsoka said.

"We had time to plan. It's time for action" Leia said.

"If Lukes on that ship we gotta get him out. I'm not leaving him. I owe him my life" Han said.

"We all owe him our lives" Leia said looking at Han shortly, "Ahsoka you must understand he's my brother and Anakins my father".

"Patience" Ahsoka said, "I hate it as much as you do, but we cannot act now".

A yell alerted them all and they all took out their weapons. Anakin was running from the ship. He looked as if he had been in a vicious fight. His arm was gone and sparking from the abruptly missing wires. He held his arm as if in pain. He reached them and fell on his back.

"They have him" Anakin cried out, "they have my son".

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