June 9th

5 3 0

Got to the see you there where the meeting is going to be at good thing you can drive me and Rodger but there are also other car that means it's going to start in a few minutes having you driving us by golf carts was not my idea for a stall vehicle.

"So how are going to get in without any of them knowing we are here?" Asked Rod when we got to the Lobby I looked around to find a different country to the screening room with me is going to be held that's when I see a case of stairs that leads to the balcony seating then I say "This way." We got up to the balcony see when you're about to start good thing no one else is up here or we'll be in big trouble

Oval's What if Return to Gravity falls حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن