Day eight

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7:00 am

After I said my good bye and good luck to Mary and hand to the airport that's one by gooses and to be honest this is the first time but I'm a plane and I don't know what will happen next.

10:50 am

After that long plane ride which happened to be a giant goose I'm finally at Wonderdon but here where it going to get hard to find the plural of foot with all the crazy signs that makes no sense unless I could think of 12 impossible things before lunch.

11:57 am

It almost lunch and I came up with 15 possible things and have something my dad will think up while the seven are original but I got where I need to be there's just one problem it's guarded by hard guards don't want to know who is the current Queen of Heart or King right now if I want to keep my head on my shoulders.

12:28 pm

Got pass the guard and all I have to do is to set the thing to the Cipher Kingdom but it can't so I set it to the Cipher capital and here I go.

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