Chapter #15: Wedding Planning.

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Hazan's P.O.V:

Once I entered my room I locked the door and fell on my knees. I started crying for no reason.

I never expected all of this would happen, everything just went out of control suddenly. All of the dreams that I have when I arrived here are now long gone. I need to retake my normal life and marrying Akın will help me with that.

Hazan: Distance and a new start are what I need. –I said while standing up and wiping away my tears from my face.

I walked to the window and crossed my arms as I looked at the nice view in front of me. Suddenly, I see my mother arrive with Akın at the parking lot and a furious Yağız running towards them. I see Yağız grab Akın by the collar of his shirt and yell something. A few minutes later he left in his car.

My mother can't know that I saw that scene down there so I went to the bathroom to brush my hair to pretend that I was not aware.

The door opened and I heard their footsteps as they entered the room.

Fazilet: I told you she was going to leave, we shouldn't have let her alone. –My mother said to Akın in a desperate tone. 

Akın: Hazan? –He called out my name.

I walked out of the bathroom with my hairbrush in my hand.

Hazan: I was brushing my hair in the bathroom, not somewhere else, Mom. My hair got tangled and I was fixing it. I haven't left the room since both of you left. –I said in a convincing tone.

Fazilet: Good! I need you to come over here, we need to talk.

I walked out of the bathroom with my long hair untied and Akın looked at me with wide eyes.

Hazan: What? –I asked while gesturing with my hands toward Akın.

Akın: Nothing, n-nothing. –He stuttered while looking away.

Hazan: Fine, what is the conversation about? –I asked while guiding my attention towards my mother who is looking at me with a judging look on her face.

Fazilet: You know what this conversation is about, the wedding.

I stayed silent. My mind was thinking about Yağız and the scene that I just saw minutes ago. Why would he act like that?

Akın: Hazan? –He asked kindly with a worried look on his face.

Hazan: What? –I asked plainly while crossing my arms.

Fazilet: I need you to stop acting childish! You need to take things seriously! –She yelled at me.

Akın: Please don't yell at her, let's listen to what she has to say. She has gone through too much. –He said while placing an arm on my shoulder.

Fazilet: Fine, then speak up, Hazan! Your sister Ece is also going to get married, this is good for both of you. –She said trying to convince me.

Akın leaned over to my ear and whispered "You don't have to do this if you don't want to."

Fazilet: So? I'm waiting. –She asked in a mad tone.

Hazan: I want to get married. –I said in a determined tone while glancing at both of them.

Akın looked at me with his sparkling hazel eyes and grabbed my hand.

Akın: Are you sure? –He asked while tracing his fingers on my hand.

Hazan: Yes, I want to marry you. –I said while looking at him.

Fazilet: Finally she has made a wise decision. Ah, my daughter is so beautiful and brilliant. –She said while lifting her hands.

Akın and I couldn't hold up and burst up laughing.

Hazan: We should start the Wedding Planning instead of saying how wise was the decision I just made. –I said with a chuckle.

Fazilet: Yes, yes, yes! We should start that right now! –She said while grabbing her purse.

Both of us looked at her in confusion and she stood right in front of us.

Fazilet: What? Are both of you going to keep sitting there looking at me? Let's go. –She said while pointing at the door.

Akın looked at me and smiled.

Hazan: Let's go. –I said while smiling back.

I need to reestablish my life and this is the start.

Yağız Egemen's P.O.V:

My head is pounding so badly due to the headache caused by my anger towards Akın earlier. I'm currently on the highway driving without a destination now thinking that I should make a stop to reflect on everything that's been going on lately.

"I should go to the beach," I whispered out loud to myself while letting out a sigh.

I drove to the beach and parked as far away as possible avoiding the crowded areas. I walked out of the car and led toward a silent area.

"What have I done wrong to deserve all of this?" I said out loud to myself.

I took out my phone and scrolled through messages.

Suddenly a notification from the pictures app popped up indicating "You have a new memory" Without doubting it I clicked it and pictures of Hazan and me showed up.

"If only we could take back time to when things were not screwed," I said out loud as I felt my eyes water.

I locked my phone and started crying. Yes, the strong and powerful Yağız Egemen is crying.

"I wish I could go back and be my old self who didn't care about anything or anyone." –I cried out.

"We all know that Yağız was miserable and not happy at all. You were living a life like a robot, now you are more aware of what life is." –A voice of a woman came out of nowhere.

I looked back and saw a job colleague from the company standing there. The one that would always listen to me and give me good advice when at work.

Woman: This is what life is about, we pass through difficult situations but everything has a solution. We learn from it and it helps us figure out our life. It makes us feel lost but it leads us to get Lost in Paradise in the future. –She said while looking at me with a polite smile on her face.

Yağız: Sometimes it feels as if there's no way out of this mess. I don't know what to do anymore. –I said while standing up.

Woman: Fight for what your heart wants. Don't let your mind confuse you, trust your heart and you'll see. –She said while placing a hand on my shoulder.

Yağız: I'm a mess, I can't even figure out what I want. –I said sincerely.

Woman: Your mind is the one confusing you, the same mind that had you being the emotionless, sarcastic, Yağız Egemen for years. You need to open up and follow your heart. Think about what I said and stop playing games. See you at the company, boss. Take care! –She said with a light laugh and walked away.

Yağız: Thank you for being honest with me. I'll take your advice just like in the old times. I think you deserve a raise. –I yelled so she could hear me from the distance.

I wiped the tears from my face and walked toward my car. I started the engine and turned up the radio.

"I need to follow my heart," I said out loud as I drove away.

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