Chapter #6: Listen.

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Yağiz's P.O.V:

Yağiz: You will come with me and you will have to listen to me. —I said while holding Hazan's arm.

Hazan: Let me go! I don't want to listen to you.

Yağiz: I won't let you go. If you like it or not you will not leave without knowing my side of the story. —I said with gritted teeth.

I took her outside and sat her on a bench.

Yağiz: Let's go straight to the point. That night I did tell you all of those horrible things, I won't deny it. The thing is that my brother Sinan sent me to do that. —I said while looking directly at her.

Hazan: What are you trying to say with that? —She said curiously.

Yağiz: I did it for my brother. He sent me and I did it. I didn't know who you were and now that I do, I regret everything I did.

Hazan: Why would Sinan do that to me?

Yağiz: You rejected his wedding proposal and broke up with him, that explains everything I  guess. —I said as I got up.

Hazan: Why didn't you tell me before? I can't believe Sinan sent you to do this, he clearly knows I won't do whatever he wants. I got tired of him and his uncontrollable problems.

Yağiz: In the first place, I didn't tell you because you never wanted to hear me. Second, when that happened you just disappeared, I never knew of you until now. Third, that's the way Sinan is.

Hazan: Okay! Can you please stop now?

Yağiz: Fine! I will stop, but you know what? I will leave right now too.

Hazan: I forgive you Yağiz. —She yelled.

Hazan's P.O.V:

With that, he left...

I couldn't handle everything that he just told me. I don't know if I should believe him or not. I can't be mad at him for this, that's why I forgave him. Also, here I am still at the bench crying out loud. He left and now I feel bad about that too.

I wiped my tears away from my face and I decided to call Yağiz. As expected I received no answer to my calls. He couldn't have gone that far, he must be at the hotel we rented until Ece felt better from the accident.

I walked to the hotel since it was close to the hospital that Ece was. I went up to his room and knocked on the door. Still, I received no answer again. I was going to leave until I heard something fall to the floor along with Yağiz's scream. I got nervous and for a minute I didn't know what to do. If I knocked or called on the door it was going to be worse.

I decided to go to the lobby and ask for an extra pair of keys. Once I got them I went up again to his room and opened the door. When I opened the door I saw Yağiz on the floor crying and with his hand bleeding. I went up to him and I took his bleeding hand to see how it was. He immediately took out his hand from mine and looked away.

Yağiz: Please, leave. —He whispered along with tears covering his face.

Hazan: I won't leave you like this Yağiz.

Yağiz: Hazan, I need time alone.

Hazan: Is this what you call time alone? Look at you, your hand is bleeding.

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