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A peaceful day, huh, I cannot imagine that right now. I always wish my life to be not boring as it is but why like this? I didn't did bad.

"Kim Dayeon, are you not going to eat?" Halmoni's voice made me snapped back to reality.

"Halmoni, I have a question." I uttered while eyeing blankly into the wall.

"What is it?" She intently look at me.

"What if I made a mistake myself and just wanted to escape out. What should I do?" I think she's really listening at me but I hope she'll answer me the very best one.

"Aish, it's like that you went into a cliff and you'll jump your own but don't wanna die at the same time. Well, if you don't wanna die then don't jump." She advised.

"But I'm not going to jump into a cliff. I'm not that dumb." Well, I really just didn't understand what she said. But yeah, that's ridiculous.

"You better study first before stressing yourself for a situation that you don't even understand. Let's see your grades soon." She sternly look at me and I just nodded.

I went to school with Youngeun and she just can't shut her mouth up for god's sake. She just keep repeating the same phrase and that's not really good for my health.

"You have a crush to her, don't you?" I heard it and will hear it 3 times in a row.

We both head to the class and just start the normal day. While the teacher discuss, I just can't avoid to think about later a few times. I don't want to go but I don't know. I don't want her to wait there and expect nothing. Hayst.

"Dayeon eonnie! Let's go!!!!" I realized Youngeun shaking my arms off. "It's lunch break already. Hmm, you're thinking about her?" Youngeun started to tease me again.

"Of course not, let's go." I stood and leave the classroom with her who still keep on chatting around.

While eating, Youngeun has the same topic again. "So you're going out with Chaehyun eonnie later?" She curiously asked.

"No?" I look at her for a moment.

"No? If I will be her. I'll cry and get hurt for my entire life. You're just going to eat ice cream that's not a big deal." She keeps encouraging me to show off.

"Then why shouldn't you go there instead?" I rolled my eyes.

"She invited you not me."

"Just think you are my representative." I replied while taking a bite of my food.

"I don't look normal to be your representative that sounds like a joke." She argued.

"Then just show off there and tell her that I suddenly got sick."

"I don't lie. You'll go there or I'll tell her you like her?" This b*tch is really a jerk.

"Are you blackmailing me?" I raised a brow to her but the h*ck she just replied me with a grin.

"Yah! Listen, I would not go there I swear. Over my dead body." I muttered and Youngeun just shrugged with it.

But yeah, after the meanwhile. I just found my self walking way to the park to meet Kim Chaehyun. I just don't know why. Well, I just wish I won't regret it my whole life.

"I'm glad you're going to show off. Do you really have a crush on me?" It's Kim Chaehyun.

And suddenly I just wanna disappear after hearing that words coming from her. My pleasure if I got struck by lightning right now.


Sorry for not updating just got lazy. Anyways, thanks for supporting this.

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