venturing out

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Yo! Here's the next chapterrrrr! Also It's fucking sports day tomorrow. I don't run, but I am bringing lots of Monster and Vodka so that should be fun. Enjoy!


After I had promised America that we could visit the nearest town once she had got control of her powers, I tried not to bring it up again, in hopes that she would forget.

It's not that I don't want her seeing some of this world, and getting away from the house for a bit, but she's safe here, and I can't fully protect her out there in the world.

I also don't feel worthy to be around other people, after what I had done to the people of Westview. I am/was an avenger. I was supposed to help people, not hurt them.

After Westview, the White Vision that SWORD made, took off after Vision restored his memories, and because of this I am able to look into his mind, which I found out about the other day.

Part of me longed to go to him when I saw him flying to familiar places like where the Compound used to be, and where we used to go on walks through the wood.

But I knew he wasn't my vision. I know he had his memories, but he wasn't the Vision who was there for me after my brother died, or the Vision who used to hold me after nightmares.

I decided to wait and see if he would fly to Scotland. That is where I will confront him. Scotland was a special place to both Vis and I, so if he went back their, then he must remember something special about me...

And then once I got him back, we could all be a family once again. I would find my boys and my brother, and it will all be great.

But unfortunately, my hopes of America not bringing up going into the nearby village, failed dismally the next morning.

"Mama." America starts, and I can tell by the tone of her voice that she wants something.

"What do you want?" I ask, with a small sigh.

America's jaw drops in shock. "Why do you assume I want something?" She asks incredulously.

"Because your using that tone." I point out, with a knowing smile.

America playfully glares at me. "Fine. I wanted to ask if we could go to that village, as I'm more in control of my powers now?"

I freeze momentarily. I knew I couldn't hide her from the world forever, but I definitely wanted to.

"Okay..." I answer reluctantly, which made America's face light up.

"Really?! Thank you so much, Mama!" America jumps off her chair and runs over to give me a hug.

"Yes, but I'm going to give you some rules, and you have to follow them otherwise we will come straight back. Do you understand?" I explain firmly. If she wasn't going to keep safe, then I did not want to risk anything happening to her.

"Yes, I understand." America assures me, still practically vibrating with excitement.

"Okay, go get dressed and then I'll tell you the rules." I gently push her off me, so she could go and change out of her pyjamas.

"I'm going! I'm going!" America shouts, as she runs into her room and shuts the door behind her.

Once she's gone, my smile immediately fades and I'm overrun with panic. What if someone recognises me? What if America accidentally opens a portal and we get sucked through?

I try to push these thoughts away, but the panic is still prominent in my mind, as America runs back over in jeans and a t-shirt, with her beloved Doc Martin boots.

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