the sickness that follows

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Hey losers! Here's the next chapter and as you can guess by the title, our little superhero isn't feeling very well and a certain Sokovian witch might not be too happy with her twin brother. Hope you all enjoy!

Tw for sickness and if your like me and have emetophobia you might not wanna read depending how sensitive you are to reading about it


After I'd run America a nice warm bath I made her stay there for half an hour, to hopefully warm up her body temperature enough for her not to get sick.

"How you feeling, princessa?" I ask, as America dries herself off with a warm, fluffy towel.

America nods, but as she does so she sneezes again.

"Bless you." I place a kiss on her forehead, noticing it's a bit warmer than usual.

"Your quite warm, sweetheart." I tell America, a tone of worry in my voice.

To my surprise, America shakes her head, moving away from my touch. "I'm fine. It's probably just the hot bath." She tells me firmly.

Why was she becoming so defensive all of a sudden?

"Oh, okay... we'll why don't you go and get changed and then I can braid your hair?" I suggest, not wanting to push her into anything that made her feel uncomfortable.

America nods stiffly, scurrying past me into her room, and shutting the door behind her.

That was odd... why was she so certain about her not having a bit of a temperature?

I decide to go and check on my brother while America gets changed, to check that he wasn't doing anything stupid.

"Oh look, it's my dearest, boring little sis."  Pietro teases as I walk into his room.

When my boys and Vision came back home I would definitely have to make the house bigger, as this house is definitely not large enough for all of us to fit in.

The cabin was originally only made for me and then obviously America showed up, and now my brother is back, so it's definitely getting a little cramped.

"Haha." I laugh sarcastically, picking up the towel that was discarded in the middle of my brother's room, and placing it on the back of his chair.

"You know my ass has been all over that towel." Pietro points out, grinning.

I make an unimpressed face at him. "You are so immature."

He just laughs in response. God I'd forgotten how annoying my brother was.

"Anyways, I wanted to ask you why you think America is denying having a temperature?"

Pietro furrows his brows in confusion. "What?"

"When I felt Ammy's forehead it was a bit warm so I asked if she was feeling okay and she became very certain that she was fine and very almost nervous at the fact she might not be.
You don't think somethings happened to her in the past that's made her like this, do you?" I anxiously bite the inside of my cheek. The thought of America being abused in the past makes my blood boil.

"There's no way to know about her past unless we ask her, but do you remember how we we're always punished when we were ill in HYDRA?"

The mention of HYDRA sends a shiver down my spine, but I nod. I was sick a lot as a child and that's one of the reasons we volunteered for Strucker's experiments. I was really, really sick, and Pietro knew I wouldn't get any better without proper medication so when a soldier came to us offering food, shelter and a chance for me to get better, we instantly accepted.

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