Part 5: Texting at midnight

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Beth's POV
It was midnight when I heard the sound of the wind, it was raining and I accidentally left my window open. I got up to close it when suddenly my phone buzzed. I got into bed because it was really cold. I looked at my phone, Logan texted me, again but this time at midnight( is something wrong with this guy? Why does he keep texting me?).
Logan: hey
Me: hey
Logan: what are you doing?
Me: sleeping
Logan: if your sleeping then how come your also texting me?
Me: never mind
Logan: I couldn't sleep so I decided to text you. Yesterday I watched this really good movie you should totally check it out. It's called Wizard Sisters( you can watch this movie on YouTube)
Me: ok, so what is it about?
Logan: you'll have to watch it...
Me: oh just tell me
Logan: fine, it's about wizards, it's a comedy
Me: k I'll watch it
Logan: so let's play truth or dare. Well since we're texting we should only play truth
Me: fine you start
Logan: remember that time when you didn't talk to me and you said that I need to apologize?
Me: yeah so...
Logan: why didn't you talk to me? Did I do something wrong?
Me: your a teenager you always do something wrong and besides I don't even remember
Logan: fine your turn
Me: did you have a crush on Emily?
Logan: NO!
Me: really? Cuz I could see the way you looked at her
Logan: I'm telling the truth here. Don't you wanna sleep now?
Me: no but if you do then go to sleep no one is going to kill you for that
Logan: no thanks I'm okay. How many times did you fall in love?
Me: four. How about you?
Logan: NEVER
Me: wow, you have such a cold heart
Logan: no I don't. Just because I don't fall in love it doesn't mean that I have a cold heart
Me: whatever. So now I wanna sleep goodnight.
Logan: goodnight.

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