Part 18: New chances, new possibilities

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Beth's POV
The next day I went to school and saw Chad. Chad was wearing a black shirt which said "Metallica". Now I knew that he was a rocker. I asked him which bands he liked and he said "Metallica, Guns n' roses, SOAD, Green day etc." I've been listening to rock for the past few months. There was something about Chad. Yeah, you'll tell me that I crush on every boy I meet but hey I'm a teenager. I was really shy when I talked to him cause I always made a fool of myself. I don't know why I always embarrassed myself when I talked to him. All of my friends told me that he had a crush on me too but he never told me anything. I thought about him day and night. It was something about him that I couldn't understand. Maybe he was too hot and the way his blue eyes shined from under his black and square glasses. And the way he smiled when he saw me. So one day I was in the cafeteria and once again I embarrassed myself. He was sitting with his friends and I kept starring at him when suddenly I bumped into a boy. My food was all over him and I don't know why he thought I was flirting with him when obviously it was an accident. After class Chad came to me and said "you better watch where you're going cuz you'll waste your food and money if you bump into random people". I laughed at that and went home. Even though he made me laugh I still felt bad.
I always had a dream of becoming an actress so I thought I could go and take acting classes. I went to the theater and a boy with a grey beanie was sitting and waiting for the exam. We had to give an exam to get in. I was with my grandma when suddenly I saw one of my classmates come in. Her name is Melanie but I call her Mel. We said hi and the exam began. The boy with the beanie went first. He looked like Harry Potter. I was next so I went into the room and saw a guy who was I think 30-45. After the exam he told me that he'll call in 2 days if I get in. He called me and told that I got in and I was really excited. I called Emi immediately. It was Thursday so I went to the theater for my lesson. The boy who looked like Harry Potter came too. I asked his name he told me but then I forgot. So I always called him Harry. One day he came to me and once again said that he's name is Mike. We became good friends and talked a lot. On Friday we were invited to a party. We went and had an awesome time but then they played a slow song and he came to me and said "may I have this dance?". I was a little drunk but we were good friends and I said to myself why not. So I agreed and we danced. It was Tuesday and I went to the theater. Mike usually went home in another direction . But that day he came with me. We talked but then I wondered why he came with me and I said the first thing that came to my mind and that was "do you wanna tell me something or ask me?". He said no why and I said that I was just asking. But that pissed him off and after that he started to talk to me in another tone. Yeah, I guess he was the same sweet Mike but there was something in the way he talked to me. After that I got pissed too so we became just friends...

So that was the end of the story. I know it ended a little bit early and there were a lot of characters and you probably have some questions like what happened to Chad?, did they date?, why did the story suddenly end with Mike?. At first I was planning to end the story differently but I just want YOU to think of an ending. This book is based on a true story and most of the things that happen in this book are real. Actually it's MY story. Most of these things happened to ME. I ended with "JUST FRIENDS" cause it was the title. I hope you liked it and write in the comments how YOU think the book should end. I want your opinion. Should Beth date Chad or should they be just friends? Or should Beth and Mike date or be just friends or never talk to each other again? Well, thanx for reading you can ask me some questions about the book and I'll make sure to answer them. Luv u byeeee.

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