Part 6: He was...

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Beth's POV
In the morning I got up looking like a troll. ( I don't know why they call it beauty sleep if you wake up like a troll). I smelled pancakes. Maybe mom woke up this morning early to make me my favorite breakfast pancakes with strawberry smoothy. I took a quick shower, wore regular ripped jeans, a blue shirt with my converse. I packed my bag for school and went downstairs.
I quickly ate my breakfast and I went to school with Emily. The day passed really slow. At lunch I was sitting with my friends Emily, Lucy, Jake, Mike and Derek. Lucy is a sweet girl when you first meet her but after a while you may see the real Lucy who's really smart, funny and crazy. Lucy has blonde hair and green eyes. Jake is the bad boy he has a motorbike. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. Mike and Derek are brothers. There really fun to hang out with but their so different. Mike likes adventure, drama, fun, cool stuff like that and Derek likes peace, he's really smart and weird but we love him anyways. So we were sitting at lunch and my phone buzzed again it was Logan.
Logan: can ya talk
Me: not now
Logan: fine, bye
Me: bye
" who was that?" Mike asked. " oh no one" I said. " what's his name?". "How do you know it's a he?". " I feel it, fine, I heard when you said what does Logan want now" Mike said. Time passed like that and before you knew it school finished. I was going home and on the way I saw that they opened a new coffee shop ( I'm in love with coffee everyone knows that). I went in, bought my coffee and went to find an empty table. Then a boy came in. First he stared at me then went to buy his coffee. I stared at him too thinking that I knew him from somewhere. Then I finally recognized him. HE WAS...

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