Part 16: Dreams really do come true

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Beth's POV
Today I woke up extra early I don't know why. Even Emi was still sleeping. It was 6 in the morning. I couldn't sleep so I decided to go for a walk. It was cold outside but I didn't care. I put my earphones on and one of my favorite songs started playing. It was "Thinking out loud" by Ed Sheeran. So I started singing in a low voice when suddenly I felt like there was somebody behind me. I turned around but nobody was there. It was like somebody was following me but I decided that it was the wind so I continued walking. All the time I had this weird feeling. After a few seconds somebody grabbed my shoulders. I turned around so I could kick whoever it was in the face but when I turned around I saw that it was only Stepan. "Hey" he said casually like nothing happened. " You scared me, I almost died" I said. "But you didn't " Stepan said sarcastically. "So what are you doing this early?" he asked. " I can't sleep". " Yeah me too" he said. So we started talking about random things when suddenly he said " I gotta go now Lukas is waiting for me but be ready today at midnight" and he ran away. I didn't know what he was planning or what he had in mind but I just decided to do what he said and be ready at midnight. After a little walk I went back to the hotel and I heard Emi singing in the shower again. She was singing "Dear future husband" by Meghan Trainor. Emi got out of the shower and she said "I woke up and you weren't here. Where were you? ". "I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk" I said. I took a shower too and I wore white skinny jeans, a black shirt that said I don't care, brown boots cause as I said it was cold outside and my black beanie as usual. This time I decided to make my hair wavy. Emi was wearing black jeans, a really cool white shirt from Forever21, white converse. She straightened her hair. We went to the hotel cafeteria to eat breakfast and after breakfast we decided to go to a few museums. That day me and Emi spent the whole day in different museums and galleries. We went to a few boutiques and bought souvenirs for our family and friends. It was 6 o'clock when we went back to our hotel to have dinner. After dinner I was really tired cause we walked all day and I had to get ready at midnight like Stepan said so I went to my hotel room. But Emi wanted to go to Starbucks. She quickly looked at herself in the mirror, took her wallet to go to Starbucks. I asked her if she can bring me a hot chocolate, she agreed and left.

Emi's POV
I took my earphones and put them on. One of my favorite songs came on it was "Photograph" by Ed Sheeran. So I started singing in a really low voice cause I was in public. At Starbucks I ordered my hot chocolate and sat down to drink it. I was checking my Instagram and drinking my hot chocolate when somebody came from the back,put a note on my table and quickly left. I didn't know who it was cause when I turned around the person was really far away and was wearing a hat which covered his face. I decided to read the note.

Hey. Get dressed and be ready at midnight. Dress really comfy and classy. Meet me in front of the hotel straight at 00.01
P.S. Don't wear high heals and don't tell anybody about this especially Beth.

So it was Lukas. I don't know what he was planning but I was going to get ready at midnight. I didn't know whether to tell Beth about this or not. I decided not to tell her cause Lukas said "don't tell anybody about this ESPECIALLY BETH". I was going back home thinking about the note that Lukas gave me. There were million questions in my head. Why didn't Lukas just give me the note cause he put it on the table and ran? Why was he wearing a hat that covered his whole face? Why didn't he let me tell Beth about this? Why did he want to meet me at midnight? I was kinda getting worried. I was thinking so much that I forgot about Beth's hot chocolate. So I went back to Starbucks to buy Beth her hot chocolate. When I got back to my hotel room I saw that Beth was curling her hair. That was strange cause she said that she was tired and she was going to sleep and she only curls her hair when she goes on dates or meets important people. She's not really fancy so she often straightens her hair. I gave her hot chocolate and asked "why are you curling your hair? you said you were going to sleep". " I was waiting for you to come but then I got bored so I decided to curl my hair just for fun" Beth said. Was I dreaming cause everything was flipped. I needed to curl my hair too for Lukas so I said to Beth " I wanna curl my hair for fun too so when your done can you give me the curler" she agreed and went to bed. After I was done I turned off the lights and went to bed too. It was 11 o'clock so I thought that she was already sleeping but when I carefully got out of bed to get dressed she opened her eyes and I asked me " where are you going? " I said that I was just cold and I needed to take a jacket from the closet. Thankfully she believed me. I went to the closet and I secretly took the dress I was going to wear to meet Lukas. It was a black dress. I don't wear dresses but Lukas said that I should wear classy so I did. I went to the bathroom to get dressed. I put my dress on with my converse cause I wasn't going to wear heels. I put a little bit makeup and I wore a black rocker bracelet. It was already 11.53 when I got out of the bathroom. It was dark so Beth couldn't see me. " I can't sleep I'm going for a walk" I said to Beth and she replied okay. I got out of the room but I still had 8 minutes until midnight so I decided to wait in the lobby.

Beth's POV
When Emi left I got out of the bed as fast as I could and opened the closet to choose my outfit to meet Stepan. He told me to wear classy but comfy so I chose a light blue dress and wore my white converse. I only had two dresses cause I don't wear dresses. I put on a little bit makeup and I did my hair earlier. I was ready and it was 11.59. One more minute and I was hopefully going to see Stepan. I was staring at my phones screen when I saw saw that the time changed. It was 12 o'clock finally. I was opening the door to get out of the room when I got a text from Stepan.

Stepan: go open your window😉

When I opened the window Stepan wasn't there but instead I found a note on the window. It said " go to the hotel roof. Go into the elevator press the button that takes you to the 6th floor and you'll find a door there which says exit. If you open the door you'll see stairs. The stairs will lead you to the roof". I took the note with me and did how he said. In 2 minutes I was on the hotel roof but Stepan wasn't there. After 1 minute I heard a noise. I turned around to see what it was and I saw that a helicopter landed on the roof. Stepan came out from the helicopter wearing black pants and a shirt. He took my hand and took me to the helicopter. I got in and we flew. I could see the whole Hamburg from up there.

Emi's POV
It was midnight so I decided to go outside. I got outside but nobody was there and it started raining. Soon I saw a limo in front of the hotel. Lukas came out of the limo. He took my hand and we got inside. It was the most romantic thing ever. Soon the limo stopped and Lukas said " close your eyes and don't look until we get there". I closed my eyes " what if I fall?" I said. " don't worry I'll hold you" Lukas said. He took my hand and we slowly started moving. When we got there he didn't let me open my eyes. I had a strange feeling that someone else besides Lukas was there too.

Beth's POV
We were in the helicopter when Stepan gave me a blind folder and closed my eyes with it. I was kind of scared at first but then he took my hand and we got out. I was almost gonna fall but he held me. Once we were there he told me to open my eyes. When I opened my eyes I saw that we were in front of a lake and there were two small boats and on the edge of the boats,there were violin players who looked like they were 40 or 50. Everything was beautiful. Stepan was holding me and I was in front of a beautiful lake listening to the violin and the lights were shining... But I didn't understand one thing. Why were there two boats? I was too amazed by the view that I didn't recognize that Emi and Lukas were standing right next to me. Stepan took my hand and we got on the boat. Lukas did the same with Emi. Everything was so calm. I was admiring the view and listening the sound of the violin. We were under a bridge and Stepan said look up. When I looked up I saw that Stepan and Lukas wrote "will you be my girlfriend?" on the bridge with spray paint. Stepan asked me to be his girlfriend and Lukas asked Emi. Of course we said yes and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I was so excited that I almost started crying. After ten minutes we were in front of the ice cream shop where we met Lukas and Stepan for the first time. We spent the whole night talking, laughing,taking selfies and eating ice cream at one o'clock at night. It was a little cold outside so the boys gave us their jackets. It was three o'clock at night when we got back to our hotel. We hugged them, said goodbye and got into our hotel room. We got into bed and when Emi turned off the lights I couldn't sleep cause I was thinking about everything that happened today. The way Stepan asked me to be his girlfriend was magical. I fell in love with him the first time I met him. I was thinking and crying because of happiness. I forgot about Dave and the way he treated me. Dave broke my heart and left but now my heart was complete again cause I had Stepan. I remembered the first time me and Emi watched The voice kids and Stepan's addition came on. The minute he started singing I fell in love with him and I wished to meet Stepan and now here I am Stepan's girlfriend." I guess dreams really do come true" I said to myself and fell asleep with tears of happiness on my face...

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