Part 11: Emily knows

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Beth's POV
I couldn't sleep all night. I was replaying all the times I spent with Dave. I was thinking about it till 4 o'clock in the morning. There were so many questions in my head like what should I do, how should I act when I'm with him, should I tell him, how am I supposed to tell Emi about this...
When I woke up it was 2 o'clock. I had breakfast and I got out of the house as quickly as I can to tell Emi. I saw Dave at the pool AGAIN!!! In the evening Katy said that we can go to there house and watch a movie( not a horror movie). We watched a comedy and after that Katy, Emi and I were talking. I wanted to say to them cause they were my best friends. After a few seconds Katy said to me
Katy: so, having fun with Dave?
Me: what's that supposed to mean?
Katy: well we all know that you love Dave
Me: I don't love Dave
Katy: fine you don't
I know I did a pretty bad job but I'll tell them when the moment is right. The next day Emi and I were walking and I said
Me: Emi I have to tell you something
Emi: go on
Me: I think I'm in love with Dave
Emi just stared at me at that moment. A few seconds later she understood what was going on.
Of course then I told Katy about it.
That day when Emi went home to sleep because she wasn't feeling alright I was walking my dog ( as usual) and I saw Dave. I don't know why but I was uncomfortable around him but then we started to talk. Finally when he saw that walking the dog wasn't easy( cause my dog is huge) he said "let me hold the dog this is a men's job". Of course I laughed at that. That day went on great, that was one of my best days in summer.

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