Part 9: Summer camp, Dave and horror movies

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Beth's POV
I was sitting in class looking at the time and counting seconds because in 1 minute and 53 seconds school was going to end and HELLO SUMMER!!! When finally school was over I found Emily and we decided to do something together this summer. Emi came to my house and we decided that we can go to camp. We started to get ready for camp and when we got there and guess what Dave was there. One of my friends named Katy came too. I started to be good friends with Dave. We had the best times ever.
One night Emi, Katy, Alisa( Alisa's one of my friends too) and I were sitting and we didn't know what to do. Finally we decided to watch a horror movie. We turned all the light on, gathered at Katy's house and started to watch that horror movie which was about ghosts. I was sitting next to Emi and we were holding hands( we always hold hands when we are scared). We watched half of the movie then my phone buzzed it was mom. She said that I need to walk my dog for a few minutes. I was walking the dog with Dave but then I went to watch the rest of the movie. When I went to Katy's house I knocked the door but I didn't open it cause I wanted to scare them. The curtains were closed so they didn't see me. Then I slowly opened the door and they started to scream( that was so funny). I went in and they saw that it was me. We continued watching the movie but then the really scary part came we half closed our eyes and when we opened the scary scene started so we started to scream and got out of the house as fast as we could. But then Katy remembered that she left her jacket in the house on the second floor. Alisa and I went to see how the boys played football , Emi and Katy went to get their jacket. Since Alisa and I were really scared after the movie we thought that all the boys were ghosts so in the middle of the game we started touching the boys(the football players) and asked whether their ghosts or not. The football players( Dave was also in the football players) thought that we were crazy. They asked me and Alisa what happened so we said that we watched a horror movie and now we're terrified. Dave asked where's Emi and Katy and we said that they went to get their jacket. So Dave suggested that he can scare Emi and Katy. When Emi and Katy came Dave secretly was hiding behind Katy so he could scare her but I didn't see Dave hiding so when Dave yelled BOO I was also terrified. Our day passed like that. Of course Emi, Alisa , Katy and I couldn't sleep for 1 week but we still made that day one of our unforgettable days.

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