Part 7: Coffee accident

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Beth's POV
I remember him. I had a crush on him 6 or 7 years ago but after that I never saw him. What was his name? David, Davis , Dany? NO! Dave. He's name was Dave and he was one years older than me. He had brown hair, green eyes and he was very handsome. When he bought his coffee he found an empty table. We were staring at each other ( to be honest I really didn't enjoy my coffee). Then my phone buzzed, it was Emily.
Me: hey Emi ( I called her Emi cuz Emily is a little bit to long).
Emily: hey can you come to our school. I was walking my dog and I fell.
Me: WHAT! Sure I'll be there in 3 minutes.

Dave's POV
I was drinking my coffee when I saw that Bethany finished her coffee and she was getting out of the coffee shop as fast as she could. I wanted to say hi to her because I didn't see her for a really long time. So I stood up and I tried to get to the door to talk to her. But then I accidentally bumped into her and we were both covered in coffee. I was embarrassed. I was hoping that she would yell at me but she gently smiled and said hi to me. I didn't know what to say I said sorry for a million times. We talked a lot. I don't know why but every time she spoke I fell like we were the only people in this world.

Beth's POV
I don't know what happened but every time he spoke I smiled for no reason. I fell like time stopped, everything was magical. But then I came back to life and remembered " EMI FELL WHEN SHE WAS WALKING HER DOG".
"Oh no, I'm sorry but I need to go" I said to Dave. "What happened?" Dave asked. "I'm sorry but I can't talk right now I gotta go bye" I said and I left as fast as I can.

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