Part 12: First heartbreak

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Beth's POV
After summer ended school started and everything was boring again. I didn't see Dave for months and that made me so sad that I understood how much I really love Dave. I started reading quotes about love, every love song that I listened reminded me of him, I even wrote a few songs about him. No one was there to help me except Emi. No one understood what I was going through. Emi understood me cause she didn't see Liam for a really long time too. 8 months past and I felt pain the whole time, I saw dreams about him, I cried before sleeping every night...
One day my dad came to me and he said that we're going to a small village with his friends and Dave is going to be there too. I was so excited, I didn't know what to wear, how to do my hair, or what to say to him. When we finally got there I entered the room and I saw his face again. As I saw him all the fun times we had together in summer past in front of me. I stared at him then after recognizing that he was staring at me too I said hi to him. I thought that those 2 days were going to be unforgettable like summer but guess what he totally ignored me. Luckily my friend Katy was there too. That night I was so sad cause he ignored me but Katy said that I need to forget about him. I was torn. After waiting 8 months I finally get to see him but he ignores me that's just my worst nightmare. That night I texted Emi. I was texting Emi while tears were streaming down my face, I felt pain, I was broken, now I knew how heartbreak hurts. I cried till 4am and with tears all over my face I slept.
The next day when I woke up he went back to the city. After that I didn't see him for a long time again.

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