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⚠️Warnings for this oneshot: Little being sick, throwing up, diapers, repressing regression⚠️

Caregiver: Makoto


Byakuya hadn't been feeling well all day, even during school. And Makoto had noticed.

Byakuya wasn't very verbal about how he felt. Illness was a vulnerability. However, Makoto knew as soon as school was over Byakuya would probably regresss. Either he'd actually allow himself to regress, not likely, or Makoto would have to toddle him just off the edge into littlespace.

And Makoto was right.

As soon as school let out he headed for Byakuyas dorm. He knocked, "Hey, Byakuya?..its Makoto!" Makoto hummed, figuring he'd still find big Byakuya.

And he was right again.

Opening the door was Byakuya, pale and sickly looking as he cleared his throat.

"Yes, M-Makoto?" Byakuya stutters on Makotos name, probably on the edge of slipping.

"May I come in?" Makoto asks. Byakuya nods and allows the luckster to enter.

Makoto hums as he waits for Byakuya to close and lock the door before sitting on the bed and patting for Byakuya to sit next to him. Byakuya sits down.

"I know you're feeling sick, baby boy.." Makoto hums.

"Makoto...Im...Im not...little...right now.." Byakuya says, almost feeling embarrassed by the word.

"Prince..I know you feel icky right now, you really should regress." Makoto says, using a soft voice and childish words to get Byakuya to slip.

"...Makoto...I...I cant..."

"Shhh...its alright, pumpkin..." Makoto holds Byakuya close, doing gestures that make Byakuya feel little.

"Dada-...I-I mean...Makoto...please...no..."

"Baby...I don't like to force you but you will regress at some point while your sick...and I'd rather it be gently right now than you plummeting into littlespace suddenly when you feel super super icky.." Makoto explains.


"No buts, hunny...just...warm cuddles and love.." Makoto explains.

And this seems to be the last thing Byakuya needed to slowly slip into littlespace. Well...it was more like babyspace.

Byakuya was completely nonverbal but he clearly felt sick. He started to cry and Makoto tried to calm him down enough to at least change him into comfortable clothes and a diaper.

Byakuya let out heartwrenching sobs as he squirms awkwardly while Makoto tapes on the diaper.

"That bad, huh baby boy?" Makoto hums quietly, placing a kiss on Byakuyas forehead.

"I know...I know...I bet your tummy hurts..." Makoto says, cradling Byakuya.

Byakuya was shockingly light and Makoto was shockingly strong so the only real issue in carrying Byakuya was how long his body was. Makoto always figured it our though.

Makoto decided to make him some angel milk and mix medicine into it for his baby, since there was no way baby Byakuya would drink the medicine on its own.

Byakuya sobbed the entire time Makoto was making the bottle, "I know, pumpkin...poor baby. I know you feel icky...its alright, dada is trying to make it all better..."

Makoto finishes making the bottle, mixing the medicine, and sitting in the rocking chair. He makes sure Byakuya is cradled comfortably then lowers the nipple of the bottle to his mouth. Byakuya sobs for a moment before latching to the bottle.

💙Byakuya Littlespace Oneshots💰 {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now