🧸Making It Up💙

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Warnings for this Oneshot: Try to heal past mistakes with a little, pull ups, past poor caregiver skills/effort, part neglectful caregiver

This entire story is kind of vague yet detailed about Celestia being a bad caregiver at one point. It's just a little upsetting sometimes with details and Celeste thinks back on it alot so just keep that in mind!

Caregiver: Celestia


Celestia knew she had to discipline her little. She knew Byakuya couldn't get everything he wanted. She knew she couldn't spoil him and let him be a brat...but it was so tempting.

They had the money, especially Byakuya. But also his sobs when he wasn't allowed a toy from the store were heartwrenching.

In all fairness, Byakuya actually rarely asked for anything. But when he did Celeste would often tell him no. She felt like if she constantly allowed him things he'd become use to her getting him whatever he wanted. Which was fair...but this habit of always saying no also scared little Byakuya out of asking for much. And he'd often sob about it later because he really wanted something.

But Celestia was going to change that. She had a realization when she went through Byakuyas little stuff to find how bare his collection really was. Not to mention she hated making her little boy cry because he's too afraid to ask for a toy.

So today was all about him. He was getting whatever he wanted. Celestia decided to take him to a mall. Little Byakuya hated public but would make an exception every once in a while.

So Celeste dressed him in a discreet littlespace outfit and made sure he had a pull up on. Then off they went.

The first store she took him to was Build-A-Bear, of course. Little Byakuya had never been. In fact, she was pretty sure big Byakuya hadn't been either.

"Alright baby, which one do you want?" Celeste asks softly.

"...I...I can has one, mommy?" Byakuya asks.

"Of course baby! Whichever one you want!" Celeste hums, helping her little boy scope the options.

But almost immediately trouble came. Byakuya was stuck between a black cat plushie and a fuzzy froggie. He was already so attached to both. He wanted both.

"...M-Mommy..." Byakuya was already on the verge of tears, holding both up to Celeste, "...bof...pwease..."

Celestia was about to tell him no when she remembered the whole point of today, "...Of course baby! You can get both!" Celestia grins.

Byakuya instantly lights up, giggling and looking ecstatic.

"Alright bab. Let's go get them all stuffed up!" Celeste says, bringing him around.

Of course, Byakuya was too shy to talk and Celestia just made small talk as the stuffies became stuffies.

"Alright, my sweet prince! Do you wanna pick out any clothes for your stuffies?" Celeste asks.

"Yes pwease!" Byakuya hums, browsing.

Celeste was so happy that the store was practically empty and the employees seemed unbothered by Byakuyas behavior. In fact, she picked today hoping most stores would be empty.

"Dis ones!" Byakuya runs over to Celeste, handing her a pile of clothes and accessories for his new friends.

"Very good choices, bud!" Celeste hums, smiling at Byakuya. He looked so proud of himself, proud for getting mommy's praise.

Celeste didn't praise him enough. And to be quite honest she knew she hadn't been the best caregiver. But recently she realized how much she wanted to change. She gave up some of her late night gambling for nights with Byakuya. She spent more on him, told him when he was being a good boy. But that wasn't enough. She had to continue to make it up to him forever. To grow as a caregiver. And though not much context was given to their caregiver/little relationship, she had experienced herself. She didn't want to think on the past where she'd drank just a little too much wine each night and left little Byakuya alone. She knew she was horrible. But she didn't want to be anymore. She was tired of her own behavior, tired of what it was doing to her little boy.

Ah, but she was over thinking it all in the moment.

"Mommy?" Byakuya questions.

"Ah! Sorry, baby...mommy was just thinking is all." Celeste smiles, taking Byakuya to pay for all the stuff and his new friends.

She carried the bags as they walked out of the store so Byakuya could have his hands free to look.

Celeste knew she could never make up for the neglect she had caused to her baby boy, especially not with gifts and money. But she was going to be better, she regretted every second of neglect.

Into another toyshop they went and on a shelf of games, Celeste noticed a deck of cards. It reminded her of the many nights she'd chosen gambling over this sweet little boy. All the nights she now regretted.

But she quickly snapped out of it as her baby boy held up a child's puzzle to her.

"Ah...what have you found here, my little prince?" Celeste hums, taking the puzzle and examining it. It was a cute picture of a kitten playing with yarn, "Such a cute kitty! Did you want this, hun?"

Byakuya hesitates before nodding a bit.

"Alright! We can get it. Keep looking!" Celeste encourages.

Byakuya managed to find quite a few toys and items.


After a very long day of shopping, both were quite worn out. They loaded their items into the car and then returned home.

As they cuddled up on the couch, watching Byakuyas favorite cartoons with a mess of toys surrounding them, Celeste continued to think.

Though she had focused more on herself than her little somehow, she determind she was going to fix this. Patch it up as much as she can. Because she had come so close to breaking her little boy...and though past her may not have truly cared, she felt so lucky having her baby boy cuddled into her arms.

Not just her baby boy. Her prince, her darling, the most amazing little on the planet. He was so special, how could she ever neglect him? How had their relationship become so strained? She wished she could point out the exact time but now...all she could do was help to heal.

"....I love you little one..." Celeste mumbles, though he was asleep anyway, "...Byakuya..." Celeste hums softly before slowly drifting to sleep with her little.


Hi!! Sorry this one isn't very good at all, I wanted to try something out! I don't personally like it too much but I figured I'd post it just because I've spent time writing it! Plus I think it's sorta interesting to have the little be part of the story but also see a caregiver trying to redeem themselves. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! Please leave requests on the requests page if you have any!! :)!

💙Byakuya Littlespace Oneshots💰 {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now