🥰Taka Understands!💙 (Pt. 2 of Studying is Hard)

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Warnings for this part: none that I can think of!!

Caregiver: Taka


After lots of searches, studies, notes, and questioning, Taka had finally come to a conclusion.

Age regression.

Taka had stumbled across the coping mechanism while researching the way Byakuya had acted. Byakuya seemed to fit some of the behaviors but Taka really couldn't wrap his head around it.

Togami? Byakuya Togami? Acting as a baby to cope with his childhood? I mean, Taka knew Byakuya didn't have the greatest childhood but it was hard to picture him actually acting childlike.

Although, he did burst into tears and only calm down once he was rocked so anything was really possible for him at this point.

So Taka decided he'd try to have a gentle conversation about it with Togami.

Taka gathered a few things, heading into the hallway and towards Byakuyas dorm. He knocks on the door with a firm yet polite knock.

It takes a moment, Taka even considers that Byakuya may not be in his dorm. But then the door opens a crack and Byakuya peeks out. It doesn't look like normal Byakuya though. His typically piercing blue eyes were now soft and almost nervous as they looked like a gentle blue.

"Greetings, Togami!" Taka greets in his naturally loud tone.

Byakuya flinches a bit, not saying anything and just giving a small and hesitant wave in return.

"..ahem..I wish to discuss something with you! May I come in?" Taka asks.

Byakuya hesitates before nodding, opening the door more for Taka. Taka steps in, glancing around and noticing the dorm was quite a mess. Taka noted that this was strange considering Byakuya seemed to be a very organized person.

Taka steps further into the dorm, then noticing what's scattered exactly. A few small childrens toys, and adult coloring book that had been completely scribbled on and quite a few broken and normal crayons lay beside it. By Byakuyas closet also seemed to be a pile of discarded clothing.

"Ah.." Taka mutters, looking around for another moment before turning to Byakuya, "Right..well then.." Taka takes a seat on the bed.

"I'd like to discuss the other day. The study session.." Taka begins, "You seemed to grow quite distressed after only a short period of time working on the topic and then instead of a slow burn, your reaction to that distress was more of a crash. This seemed odd for you and what was even more odd was your failure to respond and the only thing to calm you being rocking you as you would an infant."

Taka looks at Byakuya for a moment before continuing, "Now I was quite intrigued by your behavior therefore, I did some research and have come to a conclusion. So, if I am wrong please tell me! However, I believe it is age regression."

Taka waits for a response but once he doesn't get one he looks over at Byakuya once again. Byakuya is staring at him, looking very overwhelmed and confused.

"..Togami?..are you alright?" Taka questions.

"...big wowds.." Byakuya manages out, his voice a bit higher and squeakier.

"...big..words?" Taka raises an eyebrow, "I didn't use particularly complex vocabulary..."

Byakuya looks so lost, almost a bit surprised too.

"...hey..Togami. How old are you?" Taka tests.

Byakuya thinks before holding up 3 fingers.

"..Ah. It would seem my studies have been at least somewhat correct if not completely.." Taka nods, "..Sorry for using such big words, bud." Taka says.

"It otay!" Byakuya nods, leaning down and picking up a broken crayon. He then holds it up to Taka, "Fix!"

"..what?" Taka questions.

"Fix!!" Byakuya whines.

"You want me to fix the crayon?" Taka questions.

Byakuya nods.

"Sorry bud..It's already broken in half. There's not a whole lot I can really do. " Taka frowns.

Byakuya makes a whiney noise, "Fix!!" He repeats.

"Togami, I can't fix the crayon hun. " Taka explains.

"FIX!!" Byakuya stomps a bit.

"Hey. No yelling, okay? I can't fix the crayon. There are plenty of other colors for you to pick but there's not much I can do about the broken crayon. " Taka says, furrowing his brows.

"Nuuuuu!!! Wan dis bue (blue)!!!!!" Byakuya whines.

"Byakuya..I only just got hear. Don't make me scold you already. " Taka warns.

"...jus' wan bue.." Byakuya pouts, tossing the crayon aside.

"I get that you want the blue but the blue is broken. So how about we pick a different color? What about this very pretty green?" Taka suggest, picking up a crayon.

Byakuya looks at it for a moment before taking it, "Otay!"

Taka hums and smiles a bit, nodding.

"I gonna dwaw weally pwetty pictuwe fo' Taka!" Byakuya giggles, laying down on his tummy and beginning to scribble over a page in the coloring book.

"Awe...I'm sure it will turn out lovely, Togami. " Taka grins, watching Togami.

Taka was glad he had found the right thing whilst researching because now he got to be apart of this moment. Taka didn't really think he was properly ready to be a caregiver, especially not to someone such as Togami. However, he'd certainly try to help Togami when he could.

And he'd have that important discuss he came to have later with bigger Togami. Right now, he just chuckled a bit as he watched Togami scribble out a childrens drawing.

He was glad he got to be a part of this moment.


Hi!! Sorry this was short, I just kinda liked this short and sweet conclusion. I hope it was good enough and I hope you enjoyed!! Please don't hesitate to leave requests on the request page!! <33

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