🔍Panic Attack💙

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Warnings for this oneshot: Panick attack (as the title suggests), a little bit of implied childhood trauma.

Caregiver: Kyoko


Kyoko could tell Byakuya was on edge all day. She and Byakuya didn't typically interact all that often, in fact she found him quite arrogant and rude. However, she naturally studied and noted changes in people's behavior. And Byakuya was certainly acting strange today.

Typically he'd engage himself in many debates and conversations however, he hadn't spoke but a peep today.

Byakuya also sat straight, not crossing his legs as he always does.

And the most damming thing of all was that Byakuya seemed disgusted by his coffee this morning. Byakuya always has his coffee the same, black. Plain black. Never once did he complain.

However, today as he sipped his coffee, he'd scrunch his nose a bit and stare at it for a moment before seemingly forcing himself another sip.

But none of this prepare Kyoko for the scene in the Library she was about to behold.

She had simply stepped in in search of a book. She noticed Byakuya however, it wasn't unusual for him to be in the Library. She scanned the shelves, not paying much mind.

Until she heard the sound of something shattering. She turned slightly to see that Byakuya had dropped his tea cup and it had scattered onto the floor.

Kyoko expected a small curse from Byakuya and for him to begin to clean it up. However, instead he turned hesitantly to look and Kyoko.

Kyoko made the mistake of furrowing her brows as she looked back at him and this seemed to trigger something as he gasped a bit and turner away.

"..Togami?" She spot up.

Byakuya panicked and practically fell out of his chair, hitting his head as he hurried to crawl under the table to hide.

Kyoko was very confused, Byakuya would never act like this. Crawling on the floor, and under a table no less? Not to mention he definitely crawled through the mess the cup had made.

Kyoko walks over and bends down to see under the table. Byakuya was shaking and seemingly trying to stay completely quiet as tears filled his eyes. He seemed to notice Kyoko and tried to scramble back but ended up hitting his head really harshly.

"..woah...woah woah, Togami...relax." Kyoko realizes the clear distress and tries to control the situation.

Byakuya stills seemed very very upset but Kyoko managed to eventually get him out from under the table. The only problem was that Byakuya was now having a full on panic attack.

"I-Ill clean it! I didn't m-mean to! I'm sorry!" He exclaimed over and over however, slowly his words became more slurred and he messed up on particular letters and sounds..like a child.

"Togami..wh..what? Please try to calm down. It's only a tea cup. It can be clean up easily." Kyoko says.

"I sowwy! I cl-...clean...it! I..I not mean to!!" He gasps out, soon not being able to speak because he's gasping for air.

"..shhh..." Kyoko decides to hold Byakuya close to her chest, a factor that doesn't help everyone in a panic attack but she thought would help him at the moment.

"You're not in trouble...nobody is gonna be mad...shh...we'll get it all cleaned up. You don't have anything to worry about...little one..." Kyoko coos. She didn't know why she felt the need to call him 'little one' but it seemed to help calm him.

After quite the time of small comforts and eventually ending up cradling him like a baby in a chair, Byakuyas panic attack had settled into small sniffles and a few loose tears.

"..thats good...thats a good boy...mhm...deep breaths...very good." Kyoko coached, stroking his hair gently.

Kyoko had very much reason to suspect Byakuya was in littlespace right now, babyspace even. She has suspected Byakuya would be a little in the past however, she hadn't looked into it.

"..are..are you little right now..bud?" She risked the question however, she just got a small babble in return. That seemed to answer her enough.

"Aw...poor little one.." Kyoko mumbles, mostly to herself.

She watched the baby boy in her arms, seeming so peaceful (and still a little sniffly) now. She wondered how the arrogant Byakuya she came to know could be hiding such a sweet little baby. Perhaps he felt the same urges she felt right now, to protect him with her life. Or maybe he was ashamed of this side of him so he put up even more walls than he typically did.

Whatever the reason..she couldn't find the time to care right now as she allowed Byakuya to fall asleep cradled in her arms. Byakuya was so vulnerable right now, big Byakuya would hate it.

But Kyoko wasn't going to let anything happen. She was going to hold this baby boy close and let him get the rest he definitely needed. She could discuss this with big Byakuya later. For now, baby Byakuya seemed content resting in Kyokos arms. And Kyoko was content allowing him to do so.


Hi! So I know this is short and prob not very good lol. But I wanted to go ahead and write this idea I had! I didn't go into a lot of detail with baby Byakuya but I just wanted to capture this moment with Byakuya and Kyoko! So yeah. I hope this was good enough and I hope you enjoyed! Please leave any requests you may have on the request page! <33

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