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Warnings for this: none that I can think of!

Caregiver: Kyoko

This was completely inspired by a headcanon left on the headcanons page by LuluLuxury0 !!

Byakuya has kind of always been a huge fan of shiny and sparkly things. Big Byakuya would never admit such a thing. Glitter? Sparkles? Gems? Oh please. How could he ever love something so completely messy and foolish.

But he really did.....he really really did.

Maybe it reminded him of the good parts of his childhood, though rare and old they still were held close to his heart.

And that's exactly why when his caregiver, Kyoko, stumbled upon a sale on all things shiny and glittery, she didn't hesitate to buy maybe a bit too much for her little.

I mean, she loves spoiling him but she can't have him turning the entirety of their dorms into a glittery nightmare that nobody ever would be able to completely clean up. She'd make sure the mess was controlled, even if her little would love to have glitter coated furniture.

When she returns to the dorms, Byakuya is unsurprisingly, unregressed.

She sets the shopping bags down and approached him with only a glittery stuffed animal she had bought him. Even though he was big, in fact reading a murder documentary novel, she did not miss the fact that he had Iris tucked away between his arm.

"Hello, sweetie.." She hums, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.

He grumbles a bit, "I am not a child."

"Not right now...but you really should be....you haven't regressed in a while" Kyoko says.

Byakuya looks at her, "Oh please, Kyoko. I don't need that foolish nonsense right now."

"Kuya. You know it helps you...and you're completely safe...you know that. Please...it'll be good for you." Kyoko didn't want to force him into anything but he really did need this right now. He hadn't been little in a while.


"Look...I got you a sparkly kitty." She hums, waving it around a bit for him.

She could tell he was starting to lose grip.

"And..." She grabs her bags, "I bought a lot of sparkly and glittery things to do. We can dedicate this whole night to glitter!" She offers.

"...sparkles..." Byakuya mumbles, finally slipping as he reaches forward for the bag full of all the glittery stuff.

"..heh...alright hun...let's see, what activities would you like to start with? There's some glitter glue, some glitter, there's little gemstones. There's a few little craft kits in here, paper, sparkly paper..." Kyoko says, showing him the options.

Byakuya picks out an art kit that comes with small little wooden figurines that you can paint and use glitter and glitter glue on.

Kyoko sets out a few towels on the floor and sets everything up.

Byakuya picks out a small cat figurine, he really likes cats, and begins to paint it a nice orange color. Despite being little, Byakuya still seemed to be pretty neat with most of what he did. Of course sometimes he was messy, especially with glitter, but he still wanted things to look nice.

Kyoko paints a figure of a dog, helping Byakuya whenever he needs it.

Eventually, they finish painting and now it's time for glitter. Kyoko sets out the set of glitter glue for Byakuya as she trusts he can he neat enough with that. She keeps the glitter.

"When you need it, I'll help you get some glitter on there, alright?" Kyoko says.

Byakuya just nods and gets to work with the glitter glue, drawing cute little designs all over the cat figure.

But eventually he's bored of that, "Glitter!" He exclaims.

"...hehe..alright. What colors?" Kyoko asks.

"...mmm...gold...an...blue!" Byakuya says.

Kyoko nods, helping him get the glitter where he wants it.

"All done!" Byakuya exclaims, looking at his finished piece of art.

"It's very cute, Kuya..." She smiles, "Let me go get some stuff to help us clean up a bit and then we can find somewhere to put it. "

Kyoko gets up, going into the bathroom to get some washcloths..but she should've known better than to leave Kuya alone with glitter.

She comes back into the room, "Alright Byakuya, let's-" She falls silent, staring at the glitter covered mess that was Byakuya.

"...yep. This is my fault..." She sighs, shaking her head and smiling a bit as Byakuya giggles.

Hey, at least the glitter she bought was eco friendly!

Hi guys! Sorry it's been forever. I've been struggling with writing recently but I still really enjoy it and I love putting out stories for you guys. Updates will continue to be slow but I hope that's okay! Anyways, enjoy this! It's not much but it's a something that I finally finished up! I hope you liked it even if it's not much! Hope to write more soon! Love you guys! <33

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