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Warnings for this story: Minor cussing, little getting hurt

Caregiver: Leon

Leon may be out of character, I don't write him often!


Leon grumbled as he dragged himself to practice. He planned on quitting baseball when he entered Hopes Peak but he forgot to read the fine print that required him to be apart of the schools baseball team.

So he was stuck going to these stupid practices. Luckily, he had someone convinced the school and coach to let him keep his hair long, proving his skills worked just as well without shaving it off.

During practice, Leon couldn't help but notice a certain someone in the stands. That rich jerk in his class with the flawless blond hair and perfect face and well fit glasses that shaped his eyes just right and-

What was Leon thinking?!

But unfortunately his daydreaming had to come to an end as he realized a ball was flying at him. He frantically swung the bat and it went flying into the stands, hitting Byakuya straight in the head.

Leon stared in shock, holy crap.

"...Well uh...practice is over! Let's clean up boys!" The coach suddenly rushes everyone, expect Leon, off the field. Thus, leaving Leon to deal with this.

Leon grumbles and tosses the bat to the ground, making his way up to the stands where Byakuya was sitting. He expected to be yelled at and insulted. But when he got up there, all he heard was...


He stared at Byakuya for a moment, only to realize he was sobbing while holding his forehead where he had been hit.

"...Togami?" Leon questions, "..are..you crying?!"

Byakuya only responded by hiding his face more as he cried.

Eventually, Leon managed to get Byakuya to look at him. The red mark on his forehead made it clear it would either bruise or form a bump, maybe a even both.

"Awe. That sucks ass, dude! Yikes.." Leon says, lightly touching the spot.

Byakuya whimpers and squirms away, crying.

"....hey..I don't think I've ever seen you cry like this, Togami! It's weird for you, I gotta say that!" Leon says.

Byakuya whimpers, "...'ou only know big Kuya..." he mumbles. His voice was higher and messier than usual, giving off a childish tone.

That's when it clicked with Leon, "...hey, bud..are you little right now?"

Byakuya hesitantly nodded, expecting a horrible reaction. Leon just nods a bit.

"Did getting hit with the ball make you regress?" Leon asks.

Byakuya gives a small nod, whimpering as he begins to chew on his sleeve.

"...Man, I'm sorry bud. I didn't mean to hit ya!" Leon says, "I'm just so clumsy sometimes!" Leon obviously exaggerated to try and entertain Byakuya.

Leon tells Byakuya abt the many times his clumsy behaviors have caused him trouble. Each story gets more dramatic and funny and with each story Byakuya erupts into giggles.

"Heh...oh yeah. I'm super clumsy, bud! Still, I'm sorry I hit ya.." Leon sighs, "...how about we go get a treat to make it up to you?"

Byakuya gasps, "Like ice cweam?!"

Leon chuckles, "It's a little cold for ice cream..eh..but why the hell not?" Leon then realizes that while that word isn't really horrible he shouldn't say it, "Oh shit-" He did it again, "Awe fu-"

Byakuya gasps and covers Leon's mouth, "Bad wo'ds!!" Byakuya scolds.

Leon chuckles and nods, "my bad bud...you can get extra toppings on your ice cream just cuz that, alright?"

Byakuya claps and giggles, taking Leon's hand as they head down out of the bleachers. Leon collects his things from practice. Then, they head to Byakuyas favorite, and expensive, ice cream shop for a treat!


Hey guys! This was a request so I hope the requester enjoys it! And I hope all the rest of you enjoy it too. Sorry it's short, I wasn't really sure how to make a good plot with these two so I hope this is enough! Anyways feel free to leave more requests on the request page! I've also got some of my own ideas in the works so watch out for those! Anyways, love y'all! <33

💙Byakuya Littlespace Oneshots💰 {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now