📚Studying is hard sometimes💙

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Warnings for this oneshot: Regression from stress, very minor mention of diapers, someone unaware of the littles regression.

Caregiver (not really yet but he's the big in this story): Taka


Byakuya was typically always educated and caught up on all the topics they went over in school. He was a very knowledgeable man after all and he had to have lots of knowledge to keep the Togami empire so powerful.

However, he was just struggling with this particular unit. He didn't understand how or why. He spent days and nights, read many books and even watched some videos to try and make him understand but he just didn't get it. And what made it worse was that whenever he would come into class with unfinished homework, lying that it just wasn't worth his time, Kiyotaka would scold him. Talk about how utterly embarrassing and idiotic it was for Togami not to complete his homework.

Byakuya felt like a failure. Was he broken? Why couldn't he get it? It didn't feel fair, hadn't he been through enough in life? And now this stupid unit was making him feel as though all his hard work is for nothing.

On this particular day, Kiyotaka had been so upset with Byakuya that he scolded him and assigned him to a study session with Taka after class. Byakuya figured he could go, possibly pretend to know and get some knowledge out of the moral compass. So he showed up.

Taka had piles upon piles of textbooks set around the desks, making Byakuya begin working on them. Byakuya tried to play it off but Taka told him to just give it a try so Taka could truly see how 'good' he was at this unit. And of course Byakuya tried....and he got it wrong. And this made Taka upset in a way, disappointed. He expressed this to Byakuya and Byakuya felt that sinking feeling fill him again.

All worth nothing

Byakuya felt the words ring in his head, and in term he began slipping down into littlespace. Not to mention the textbooks became more overwhelming by the moment.

Byakuya slouched in his chair a bit, the textbooks looking blurry and confusing as he slowly fell into a pit of littlespace.

Takas voice was loud, startling to little Byakuya. The textbooks were huge, overwhelming, and scary for the childish state his mind was in. And after failing to answer a question, which Taka responded to with a small scolding, Byakuya could feel hot tears fill his eyes.

He didn't want to cry, especially not in front of Taka. He wanted to run away but he knew his legs would be wobbly and vision a bit blurry. But he couldn't move either way, he found himself frozen in place as the tears that once filled his eyes now ran down his cheeks. And Taka noticed.

"And I just think-...Togami?....Are..Are you crying?" Taka asks, surprised.

Byakuya couldn't respond with big words right now so he just cried more. He wanted Iris (his stuffed owl). He wanted his paci and some cozy pajamas. Maybe even a soft diaper. And he especially wanted to be alone. But he didn't get that, which only made him slip more.

"...Togami? Respond to me so that I know you are alright..!" Taka says.

Byakuya tries but just let's out a small sob instead. Taka seems to notice his strange behaviors and risks a question.

"Togami...Can you tell me how old you are?" Taka asks.

Byakuya couldn't tell if Taka was asking that as if to pull him back into reality or if Taka knew, but Byakuya couldn't respond anyways. And soon words became blurred and distanced as Byakuya fell deep into baby space, just wailing.

Taka wasn't quite sure what was happening. He was shocked, even. Byakuya Togami? Crying like a baby? Over a study unit? Taka wouldn't have pictured it in a million years. But here he was, in that exact situation.

Taka tried a few methods to get Byakuya to come back to earth and chill out a bit but nothing seemed to work...well, almost nothing.

Taka somehow ended up with Byakuya almost cradled in his arms, holding him securely and rocking him gently. This seemed to calm down Byakuya enough and stop the constant sobbing, and enough to even make him fall asleep. He was probably exhausted from that horrific sobbing.

Taka sighed, finally enjoying some peace though he hoped Byakuya certainly felt better. He wasn't entirely sure what had just happened but he'd research it soon.

For now, he managed to stand up with Byakuya in his arms and walk him back to the dorms, unlocking Byakuyas with his key and tucking him into bed.

Taka even found a stuffed Owl tossed in a corner and decided to tuck it in with Byakuya as it seemed like something that might bring him comfort.

Taka then leaves, heading back to clean up and then he'd head straight to the library to do some research. He felt bad for scolding and pressuring Byakuya without noticing his rising distress. He was meant to help his classmates, not break them. So he had to better himself for Byakuya, figure out a way to effectively teach Byakuya and figure out what had happened so he can either avoid that outcome in the future or help Byakuya with it.

Taka was determined.


Hi!! So I hope you enjoyed! I was honestly thinking this could be a two (or more!) parter if anyone was interested. So please let me know!! Anyways I hope it was good enough and I hope you enjoyed! Also I got a new phone so that's cool!! Okay, bye bye hope you enjoyed! <33

💙Byakuya Littlespace Oneshots💰 {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now