🦉Poor Little One💙

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Warnings for this oneshot: Throwing up, mention of diapers

Caregiver: Kyoko


Byakuya sat in his bed, cuddling Iris close to himself as he whimpered and rocked back and forth on his butt gently. He wore a thin diaper, a tshirt, and a pair of pj pants.

He suckled gently on his pacifier though it didn't help comfort him much right now. His tummy was twisting and turning, making him feel icky as ever. Also, his head ached and big movements made him feel dizzy.

Big Byakuya had handled the illness fine, well sort of. He basically ignored the symptoms and pretended not to be sick despite the fact he looked deathly pale. Others were concerned but he brushed them off.

However, he wasn't planning on regressing. Byakuya had managed to hold off for almost of the day until he got really sick and threw up. This triggered for Little Byakuya to come out.

So now all he could do was sit or lay on his bed, cuddled up with Iris. He had a diaper on just in case, though he usually wore them anyway just to feel small.

He was laying on his bed, tucked under the blanket, when he started to feel super sick once again. He was so little, he couldn't process that he should get up before throwing up. So, he just throws up all over himself, the bed, and unfortunately Iris.

Little Byakuya just lays there, too sick to get up and too little to really be able to clean up anyways.

That's when a certain someone joined the picture. Kyoko, the ultimate detective. She, a caregiver herself, had been pretty suspicious that Byakuya was a little. It was small behaviors, that most would never question, that gave her the most confidence in her theory. Things such as chewing on straws or itching and tugging at clothes only every so often.

However, she was worried when Byakuya had thrown up. She could see his expression soften and look so confused as he was rushed out of the room to rest.

So Kyoko decided to go see how he was. She knocked on the door, or attempted to. However, as soon as her fist met the door, it simple creaked open. This worried Kyoko. She took slow steps until she fully entered the room, peeking around the corner to look for Byakuya.

That's when she saw a puke covered Byakuya cuddling with an equally as puke covered stuffed animal in a puke covered bed. She could tell he was really little right now. She immediately walked closer to the bed, trying not to startle little Byakuya.

"..hey buddy.." She mumbles.

Little Byakuya jumps a bit, staring at Kyoko.

"..I..I don't mean to scare you, okay? I just..know that you're sick and I wanna help you, little one. Especially since you're a mess.." Kyoko reassures, "I know you're shaken up. I just need you to stay as calm as you can. "

Byakuya stays fairly quiet for a moment before bursting into tears, sobbing loudly.

"Oh no..." Kyoko sighs, shaking her head, "Hey..shhh...shhh" Kyoko keeps her distance, "Honey..I promise I'm not here to hurt or make fun of you..just here to care for you...okay?"

Byakuya continues to sob.

"..Mm.I guess I'll have to prove it to him.." Kyoko mumbles to herself.

"...hey..you know what might make a poor sick little prince like you feel better? How about some angel milk..?" Kyoko offers.

Byakuya perks up a little, still crying lightly.

"Does that sound good dear? Maybe it'll settle your tummy..?" Kyoko offers, though it was more likely to upset his tummy more.

Byakuya hesitates before nodding.

Thus, Kyoko hurried to make some angel milk in a cute little bottle. She attempts to hand it to him but he just kinda stares at it.

"..do you..need me to feed you?" Kyoko asks softly.

Byakuya nods a little, whimpering.

So Kyoko sits on the bed, then cradling Byakuya in her lap. She places the tip of the bottle to his lips and he begins to drink the milk slowly.

Eventually, he had finished the drink and was actually pretty settled.

In fact, he was so settled that he fell asleep..right in his new mommy's arms.


Hi!! Sorry it's been quite a while. Life has gotten pretty busy. But I'm trying to keep up with this story. There will probably be long times in between updates just fyi. Also sorry this one isn't very good. I wrote it over a few months so it's a little foggy. Hope you enjoy anyways!!

💙Byakuya Littlespace Oneshots💰 {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now