💻Unusual but not Bad💙

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Warnings for this fic: Slight mentions of the killing game, takes place in the killing game but nobody dies in this fic

Caregiver: Chihiro

I use he/him pronouns for Chihiro because that's what I prefer. If that isn't your thing that's okay but please respect my opinions.


Well it's not exactly what Chihiro would've expected for the day. All he was told to do was check on Byakuya since he hadn't shown up to breakfast in days.

I mean sure, Byakuya wasn't one to attend the morning meetings anyways but he usually at least entered the dining hall in the morning for some tea or coffee.

They figured he probably wasn't dead, I mean it's Byakuya Togami. Does the man ever die?

But still, the fear lingered and many either felt it was a waste of their time or were too scared to find out.

Childishly, they did the whole 'not it' nose touch thing. And Chihiro? Well chihiro doesn't have the best reaction time. So he was the one left to do the job.

He knocked gently and rang the doorbell once. He waited..,and waited..but nothing. Then, he knocks a bit louder, ringing the bell twice.

Eventually he hears small shuffling from the other side and figures it's likely the dorms resident.

"...Togami?...are you..in there?" Chihiro questioned nervously, his voice trembling just a tad.

Soon, the door opened only a crack and sharp blue eyes peeled out. However, the eyes seemed a bit more dull, playful, even a bit afraid anyway.

"...Togami?" Chihiro hums, looking into the slight opening.

"..wha you wan...?" He asks, the question still harsh but not in the typical way, and his voice wavered easily.

"E-Everyone's just worried..I...I came to check on you." Chihiro explains.

"...oki...well...I fine so...go." Byakuya demands, though his voice still childishly sheepish.

Chihiro sighs a bit and nods, "Uhm..s-sure but...is something wrong, Togami?" Chihiro asks, stepping back a bit from the door.

Byakuya gives only a small nod before closing the door without another word.

Chihiro only nods in response, accepting that Byakuya likely didn't feel well and was just attempting to hide his weaknesses per usual.

Chihiro returns to the dining hall, reporting the news. Others took the fact that he was alive as good enough and didn't care for more information.

Chihiro, however, continues to ponder the situation. I mean sure, he was by no means close to Togami. In fact, he believed Togami disliked him at least.

But he still worried. Byakuya never acted like this. It was strange, bizarre even. Perhaps Chihiro was simply overthinking everything but he doubted that. Byakuya seemed like someone who was heavily sensitive to minor changes in anything at all. He felt this to such a degree that Chihiro wondered if it was almost a symptom of something.

But that wasn't the point right now. Chihiro pushes his thoughts back on track, thinking over why Byakuya would ever act in such a way.

Chihiro continued to sit in ponder for a long while even after everyone else had left the dining hall. And he almost felt it was fate that he had stayed because soon Byakuya trudged in.

Byakuya seemed less confident than he typically seemed, shoulders a bit slouched, eyes darting around as if his surroundings could at any point jump out at him.

He slowly made his way over towards chihiro, not saying anything and pulling out the chair next to Chihiro, taking a seat.

Chihiro didn't mind but he was confused. Byakuya never wanted to be around someone the likes of him. Now, Byakuya seemed to willingly be just sitting around with him.

"...Togami?" Chihiro asks softly, trying not to startle him.

Byakuya looks at Chihiro, "..Mm..I..jus came to say sowwy.." Byakuyas words sounded strange. And the fact that his Rs came out as more of Ws was proof enough to Chihiro that something just wasn't right. But Chihiro just wasn't sure what.

"...Ah? That's...well...it's alright, Togami...No worries." Chihiro nods, surprised at the apology in general.

"..uhm...need help.." Byakuya says.

Chihiro cocks his head only a tad, "Yes? Ah..what is it?"

"...uhm..want food but...can't..can't.." Byakuya struggles with his words.

"You can't cook?" Chihiro questions.

Byakuya seems to think before just giving a small nod.

"Well...I can barely cook either..but..I'll try my best to help you! Alright?" Chihiro smiles warmly, cause a rare and warm smile to come from Byakuya.

Chihiro never imagined such a sweet sight, Byakuya seeming so happy for even a second.

But of course, Chihiro got up and helped Byakuya up. They both walk to the kitchen, discussing what Byakuya wants.

Sure, Chihiro had no clue what exactly was going on but that was okay. He assumed it was personal and it was just best to support this nice side of Byakuya.


Hey loves! I hope you're all doing well! I'm having a bit of a rough week but that's alright. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! I know Byakuya and Chihiro are a rare pair but I am kinda obsessed with them so hehehe. But yeah I hope you enjoyed! Love you all!

💙Byakuya Littlespace Oneshots💰 {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now