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Everything was done. I will have to prepare myself for life waiting for me ahead. We had our breakfast at the Palace of Queen Mother, everyone seemed so happy.

Your Highness seemed to be taken aback last night when I confessed my thoughts about our marriage to him. I didn't want to sound like I was unhappy with this marriage, it was just I needed some time to wrap around my head about the sudden companionship.

"Your highness I am scared of the future." I had told him.

He looked at me and blinked. He was fuming with anger, I had said no to him on our first night.

"I realize that this must have been sudden for you but I will give you all the time you want Prince Jungkook, I have had a relationship with your sister but that was seven years ago, things will change and open up once everything becomes better. I will put every effort to bring us together, all these years I have been longing for someone to come into my life and you are here. It was a long day for us let's take some sleep, we even have to travel to Gwacheon tomorrow." My highness had said.

He moved aside from the bed and walked outside towards the balcony. I realized what a misimpression I had made of myself and my family in front of him. I was also representing my sister, she would have been such a good listening woman and here I was telling my husband not to sleep with me on our first night.

As the last night's scene flashed and went away, I recalled what my brother had said.

He was coming towards me, I was standing by the ground waiting for my husband and Queen to finish talking, I was not interested in what adults were talking about.

"Your Highness Jungkook, Can I speak with you for a moment?" Prince Jimin said. I was stunned by the difference in his tone and the respect I was getting.

"Y-Yes Hyung" I flounder on my words but I was equally shocked. I realized my value. I was married to the Kim dynasty.

"Did you?" Jimin Hyung looked around checking if anyone was not close to us. He inhaled and looked at me, I felt the desperation in his voice.

"Did you and Prince Seokjin do it?"

I felt so embarrassed that he asked me such a question, he had no shame. I looked at him with pure irk. How did he ask me such a question?

"I am sorry to ask such a question but please realize the task I have given you. Jungkook you should know he was the killer of our sister. This marriage is nothing for him, he married you because you resemble Saebyok Nuna. You have to ki-

"Enough", my voice sounded too harsh than intended, he must have thought I was prideful after my marriage.

"Hyung I will see that, I will see what kind of a man he is. If he had killed Nuna then I am angry at you for marrying me to him. You could have done that if you had such a high feeling for revenge towards him." I answered.

"Jungkook I can't do that, you know. It's the only task, the only mission I am giving you. Not for me but think about Nuna. She deserves justice." Jimin Hyung sounded sad.

"Think about her", he repeated. His voice was so light.


It had been hours since we left the land of Busan, we had reached the borders and were now resting for some hours as the weather had seemed to improve my thoughts were already stuck with gloominess. I watched from the inside of my tent, soldiers were guarding around and many people were walking outside preparing something.

My husband had still not shown up after we left for Gwacheon, he must be leading at the front and here I am sitting. My mind shifts to the incident that happened back at the ceremonial times, I practically kissed someone for the first time. I smile as I remember feeling heat erupting from my body.

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