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When the King and Queen arrived at the royal palace, Jungkook felt every bit of himself burn. The Queen mother looked at Jungkook with eyes that screamed in pain and desperation.

"So you are saying that you had a high fever and then you just fell and hit yourself which lead to this bruise on your neck, quite a believing story Hyung," Taehyung said as he watched his brother eat the porridge. 

"You know I have sources, the Ajhuma outside told me that you and your husband had a fight."

"So someone here is listening to us, isn't it wrong Taehyung? And please stop asking me what happened. I am alive and fine." Jin said as he smiled. 

The royal kingdom had an idea what had happened 7 years ago was not just some accident, it was an attempted killing of a future king. They decided that it was best to stay shut rather than bring up any war between any nations. 

Taehyung never wanted his hyung to marry the new prince but when his hyung told him he already liked him he had no choice but to agree with him. The King and Queen were also baffled as to why a sudden marriage proposal was being raised by their son. 

"I don't want anything to happen to you again hyung," Taehyung said before leaving Seokjin.

The Queen had called Jungkook to her palace, she wanted to know what was going on between the couple. Jungkook was scared obviously scared, he should be after what he did.

"Greetings My Queen Mother" 

"Hello Prince Jungkook, make yourself comfortable as our conversation may go long." The Queen said in her diplomatic tone, Jungkook sat in front of the Queen.

"Pour me the tea." 

Jungkook knew it was a test to show his basic capabilities yet he had no idea how to properly perform them, he felt small yet again. Even after having good knowledge about swords and battlefields, he was being tested for such a small act. He realized that he was just a trophy husband, a bed warmer, and a child bearer at this place. Jimin had sold him off and his capabilities to vain but again Jungkook had agreed.

But he remembered how his Noona poured the tea, so he did what he could, try. He took the small vessel of Macha and mixed the warm water in it, too much. Then he whisked it with the wooden whisker until it was smooth. He then poured that mix into two cups in front of him and added warm water. He then used the whisker to mix the tea properly, which was unnecessary.

The Queen watched silently as the disaster unfold, yet she took the tea and sipped it. She gave Jungkook her mixed eyes which didn't help but make him feel worse.

"You have no idea what you are doing and yet you agreed to marry my son." The Queen said.

"I know you are young but don't you think you should know how to make some tea? Seokjin loves drinking tea, have you ever prepared one for him? From the look of yours, never. Seokjin must have once prepared for you, right?" She sighed.

"Jungkook I will not scold you but from what I can see, you are not doing anything to blossom this relationship. About Jin and his health, I am not scared, worse things have happened to him and they were done by people he loved dearly. You should keep yourself calm and listen to others rather than irrationally latch out. I can read your eyes and I can see what you did with him and what hidden motives these eyes hold. My Jin may love you but he loved your sister too and he told you what she did. I am not going to insult you for what your sister did but sometimes the people you think are pure can be full of evil. Your big eyes only tell me that you have grown up with such people but now you are a Kim. One day you will be pregnant and have a responsibility or one day if war may break out you will also have to jump into battles and save the Kingdom. Don't think what you are doing right now is something small."

Jungkook was just listening to his mother-in-law.

"If you will not quite the idea behind those eyes then I will have to do something. Nurture your relationship with your husband, I know you love him but you are scared of some betrayal. Trust is what bonds two people Jungkook. You will have to listen to Jin, there also will be one day when you will hear the other side too but it will be too late if you keep going on your way. So listen to what your husband has to tell you and live the life that is ahead of you in peace. Now you may leave." The Queen said and it took Jungkook some seconds to act, yet he got fast up and took the kettle with him and bowed.

"The love you had for your sister was in past, now your today, tomorrow, and future should only be for your husband." 

"Yes, My Queen"

Jungkook ran as fast as he could outside to breathe, he was feeling so hard to breathe as if he was dying. He ran until he reached the ground the greens of the beautiful palace of Seoul. he huffed as he tried to breathe some air, he held his neck and think back to yesterday when he himself tried to choke his own husband. He cried remembering everything his Jin did for him.

From sweetly making him tea to showing him the vast oceans that he never saw, to Jin making him shy away in love when he touched him to the blissful sensations he felt with him. To Jin always initiating their talks and the laughs he has with Jin, he felt wrong.

The idea of betrayal by his sister was making him feel embarrassed, he knew he was not like his sister but was he any better? 

She stabbed me and ran away with her lover, I was left alone to die.

Jungkook was here for the same reason to kill him but would he do it now knowing the truth was he actually in love with him or it was just an act? He was lying to himself, to his husband, and to the future, they can have if he listens to the truth.

The reality being in front of him yet him being delusional was not it, he had to accept the truth even if it was against someone he loved. One has to be the villain and it was his own sister if he continued without thinking rationally he would become a villain too.

The water soaked him, cold and hard on him. He deserved it. He cried out thinking of all those times his Jin Hyung made him feel loved, he knew Jin loved his sister yet he was so blinded in hate to see the wrong his own sister did.

He wailed his eyes out. Cried for hours alone until he heard the voice.


It was soft yet a pain-stricken voice, he knew it was him.

Jin embraced Jungkook and Jungkook cried, yelped, and whimpered.

"Hyung I am so sorry, I will listen to you. Please don't hate me." Jungkook cried out.

"I will tell you everything Jungkook, promise me you will not do what that letter said," Jin said

Jungkook wanted to kill himself this time.

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