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My Highness has been planning to make a two-week getaway trip to the southern islands of Jeju with me. Even though I tried my best to say no, he had insisted on me for the past week.

This whole week was a turmoil full of emotions. I had masked so well that I couldn't understand if I was feeling anything with him or not. The fuming anger inside me only made my sense of thinking worst. All the actions he did for me were nothing but an act to present himself as a good husband in front of the people, he had a previous account of failing why wouldn't he try his best this time? All he had was me, he was dependent on me this time.

I read Jimin Hyung's letter every day when I woke up not because I was missing him, I was motivated to do the wrong. I have planned that I will sleep with His Highness if he does something, I need to get pregnant and an heir is the most important thing for me right now. Emotions and other thoughts came secondary to me now, I am blessed to provide Nuna her justice.

"The ship is ready to take off, did you put everything that you required Jungkook?" Hyung came toward me, he was holding some papers and had tied his hair which displayed his majestic face.

"Yes Hyung I double-checked everything, we must get going," I replied. He looked at me and smirked, did I say something stupid? I think he will fall for me earlier than I intended to.

"You seem so excited to go, I hope this trip is good for us," Hyung said, his hand coming over to touch me. I smiled what else could I do?

He removed the tiny yellow flower that was stuck in his hair. He looked at his husband, his eyes were shining so brightly as if he was one of the most delicate pieces of artwork he had seen. He looked at him and flashed his smile. Jin Hyung removed the flower and pushed back the single strand of hair that was itching my eyes. The moment was short but sweet, it was unnecessary.

"Let's get going Jungkook, we will enjoy this trip." 


The trip started with us sitting together and talking about random things.

"How many times have you traveled by sea? Jungkook, This is my seventh time going to Jeju. The land actually belongs to one of my maternal great grandfathers, he gifted this to my mother who is her single child. Later on, we will inherit this land.

I silently listened to him, "This is my very first time sitting on a ship and even going somewhere out. I have never traveled anywhere besides my own palace." I was embarrassed to tell him so, I looked so boring in front of him. 

"It's okay, We have plenty of time that we can spend traveling beside the relations between us and other kingdoms are going quite nicely, I hope that we will take a tour of Korea in the next ten years, I just want you to be healthy and happy throughout all of this dear." He said out of the blue.

"That is a great idea Hyung, why did you decide all of this so early? Besides you have so many responsibilities that will be coming on you in the future." The thought of us traveling the whole Kingdom of Korea was just phenomenal. 

"I don't know Jungkook but throughout my whole life I have just worked and this time I want to cherish what I have, I want to be happy this time." 

I looked at him, the words he was using were so good but the fact that he didn't have a good time with my Nuna made me think how he didn't even care about her. 

"Did you not like my sister?" I asked.

"Huh, Saebyok? She is my past Jungkook and I realize that she is your step-sister but as the time will come I will tell you everything. I have no plans in hiding anything from you. I know you must have hated marrying me but the fact that you agreed was also something I had never expected. Things were very difficult last time, everything that happened made me realize how big of a fool I was but not this time, I know what I want and I will protect you no matter what happens. I just hope that you wait for me and trust me because from what I think things will be getting hard for me again."

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