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"It all started when I went away for a trip to Ilsan. Namjoon had some issues and I had gone to resolve them. Everything was going great, I and Saebyok had developed a very happy relationship together, and she loved learning music.  I who had zero knowledge to even play any instrument could not help her out and then came in Yoongi. If you may remember Yoongi was my best friend and Head of the Royal Army. Yoongi had every knowledge of music, he knew how to play various instruments and was very popular amongst everyone for his skills. Even though he was the head of the Royal Army, everyone suggested that he should rather become a musician at the palace but of course, he had his own duties too.

His father had earlier been the Head of the Army but due to one of his reasons, he had to move back to his own Kingdom of Jeju and Yoongi inherited the position. It was after 9 months I found out that Saebyok and Yoongi were not together for some music classes, they had their own love nurturing. I saw them together, sitting so close that if someone else from the family had seen them they would have been beheaded. I was very angry, I was questioning where I went wrong.

My Best Friend and Wife had been seeing each other and I had no idea. Every servant at the palace knew what was happening yet I was so stupid to know myself. Saebyok and Yoongi were seeing each other every day for hours even though she had asked me that she just wanted to go three times a week, I was furious. So I decided that I would watch them and see low they would stoop, I wanted to see them betraying me. For the first few weeks, I was numb, Saebyok and I were trying for a child at that time so every single day we would sleep together. Every night she would tell me how much she loved me and called my name, knowing that she was building two homes I could not be close to her. So I decided to move to Daegu with Taehyung for a month, I needed the escape. I was so embarrassed, I couldn't even keep my wife to ourselves that she had to go find someone else to feel loved but there was no fault of mine, they already knew each other since childhood. They had been in love for years and I was the way for them to come together. 

And when I came back, the palace was overjoyed because Saebyok was pregnant for months now. I only got to know it when I was back, I knew that child inside her was not mine. I respected our love but then I felt that was ever there for her side or was she just here for Min Yoongi. 

Min Yoongi, my bestfriend. I could confront him, I could have asked him why he did that but I could not. Seeing everyone so happy and overjoyed I felt that I was being stupid and my manly ego would be dead if I told anyone. I could not do anything. 

The Queen mother wanted us to go to Tongdo sa temple for blessing, so as the head of the army, Yoongi was in charge of our travel and safety. I had distanced myself from both of them and I guess they knew that but none of them came in to ask what was wrong with me. So that one day we three and four soldiers went off for the trip. The trip felt like I was cutting myself, seeing both of them chatting in front of me and being so out of reality felt like shit. 

I was inside the carrier with her when she said she was feeling hard to breathe, my first instinct was to help her out, no matter what happened she was my wife. My past self loved her and I believed that she would one day come back to me and tell me she did a mistake but that was my mistake.

We came outside and sat, I saw that all the other soldiers of the carrier had gone somewhere else, it was again only three of us. I had gone towards the water to wash my face and then I felt a jab. A hard cut knife thrashed my back, the stab was so dull that I knew it was done by someone untrained, I turned back and watched Saebyok, the one girl I loved was not there, she was never there and Yoongi was sitting on the horse ready to run away. 

"Saebyok, why?" I said that. I don't know how Yoongi was standing above me in a second, he pulled out the dagger and stabbed me twice. 

I was in utter shock, I could not feel any pain from the wounds they gave me but from the heartbreak that both of the people I loved the most. Saebyok came later in my life but Yoongi? Why did he do that to our friendship? 

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