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I was so ecstatic that my dad was back, he lived in the Uk and usually came home once a year.

Malik rubbed his hands together. 'Omo, cash out' he says chuckling. I shake my head at him and Uncle Sam laughs.

'I dey cap?' He asks.

Malik had been a friend of my family for as long as I could remember, he and my mum have been amebo partners since they met.

We pull up to our estate, and the security officer taps a button for the automatic gate which springs open, Uncle Samuel speeds along the gravel road making several turns before stopping at our house, which was situated at the end of the street, our house was a white and marble semi detached building, with glass panels, a pool, palm trees and some other facilities.

Uncle Sam taps the horn a few times and the gate opens automatically, we drive in and I see a familiar G-wagon, it was my uncles car. Malik and I make eye contact he smiles. 'Even more cash out' he comments laughing.
I can't help but laugh along.

My dads white sport car was parked at the opposite end while my Audi and 2 other cars were parked on that side.

'Both of una get down, make I find where I go park' Uncle Sam says unlocking the doors.

'Alright' Malik says jumping down from the car, I follow suit, we make our way past the garden and into the porch, I see my dad lounging at the pool with my uncle, I run and jump on him, he catches me and we laugh.

'How is my favorite son' he asks dropping me down and smiling. He's still taller than me, but by just a bit.

'Your only son' Nifemi's voice calls from the doorstep. I stick my tongue out at her and she hisses.

Malik prostrates on the floor 'Will you get up my friend' my dad commands pulling him into a hug, 'Good afternoon sir' he says beaming.

'You're not going to greet me abi?' Uncle Ayo asks, I laugh. 'Good afternoon sir' I say bending a bit, Malik follows suit.

'Where's mummy?' I ask Nifemi.
Nifemi is my half sister, my dad was married before he met my mum and had Nifemi, she had been raised as my sister though and I couldn't imagine it any other way. 'She's in her office' she answers.

'Alright' I reply.

Malik and I go through the back door and we make our way upstairs to the last door in the corridor.

'What do you mean you won't have them by tomorrow?' my mum angrily asks in Yoruba.

'I don't think we should enter, she sounds angry' Malik says putting his ear to the door.

'They want to use it for a wedding next week, get me what I want or else' she continues still in Yoruba, cutting the call.

We finally knock the door. 'Come in o' I push the door open and we step inside the lavishly furnished office, she's on a black sofa in a simple caftan.

'Ahh, my dears' she says and we kneel at her front. 'How was school?' she asks.

'Fine' we chorus, she stands up and we all go down the stairs to the kitchen.

She instructs the cook to boil yams, she was planning to make pounded yam and vegetable which was my dad's favorite.


We're all at the table when I hear my phone buzz.

It's Timi.


AN: I hope y'all are enjoying this, I've been a bit to tired to update and editing is a pain. Sorry for the delays.

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