Victoria Island Maternity Hospital

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Tomisan's pov

'Na wa o, this kind thing no dey shock me again' Nifemi comments staring at her phone.

'What happened again?' I ask.

'There's something online about some influencer guy in your school assaulting a girl' she says, sighing.

'What is her name?' I ask shifting to look into her phone.

She's on an instablog page, the words in a headline 'MINISTER OF FINANCE'S SON ACCUSED OF ASSAULTING DAUGHTER OF OIL AND GAS MOGUL'

They were probably referring to Timilehin, I was surprised that she'd finally made it public.

Nifemi continues scrolling through the article and she tuts.

She smacks my head; 'I'm not encouraging you to engage in sexual acts, but please use your brain, if you want to do anything with anyone ask first, consent is key, no one is yours to own, just because you're dating someone doesn't mean that you're entitled to being sexual with them'

I nod, she was right, John was fucking disgusting and he needed jail time.

I think of Timi's perfect face and her lovely smile and my stomach fills with a bubbly warmth.

The thought of calling her overtook my senses but then I realize how much pain I'd put her through, I had to stay away from her.

It was better that way.

Timilehin's pov

I do a twirl barefooted, soft daisy stems crunching beneath my feet, the setting sun was the perfect background. A light, warm breeze lifts the tulle of my dress as I dance to a glorious tune, a pair of long familiar arms caress my waist, I feel a sense of warmth and lean into his chest.

He kisses the top of my head and spins me around, his light angelic laughter and mine reverberate in the desolate field full of daises.

Malik's pov

Her slender frame hits the floor with a soft thud and gasps erupt from the crowd, people start whispering and murmuring, I bend down to try to carry her to the nurses office to receive immediate care of some sort but I can't move more than a few inches.

The principal had already made her way with some nurses in tow to where all the students had crowded.

'Give her some space!' she yells, as a nurse and her assistant tries to perform CPR.

Haleemah's Pov

The door into the schools lobby squeaks as it closes behind me.

I needed access to the schools security cameras, why I hadn't remembered that it might hold some form of evidence struck me but I was glad that I had realized soon enough.

I move stealthily around the secretary's chair, the cctv monitors were in the principals office, I move straight to the wooden door and rattle the doorknob, it opens, phew.

I move straight to the desk, the door opens.

Fuck, shit, fuck.

I duck under the desk.

I'm shocked at what I see, it's the principal and Mr Kofi; the schools coach.

They're kissing.

Timilehin's pov

We continue our dance in the bright yellow field, his arms hold me gently as his lips brush mine. I melt in his arms and we sink to the floor.

We kiss passionately as my peach dress billows in the wind.

I am at peace.

Malik's pov

As she was lifted unto the stretcher, gasps fill the air as people notice the dark red stains on her skirt.

Iv's are quickly inserted into her arms as she becomes hooked to a heart monitor, the steady zigzags are an indication of her life.

I take in a breath of relief.

The principal instructs the school secretary to inform Timilehin's parents of what had occurred.

'Would you like to ride with her to the hospital?' a woman in a white jacket asks gesturing to the empty seat beside the stretcher.

I nod taking the empty seat, I bend over to look at her face, she was still unconscious and breathed with the help of an oxygen mask.

I take her hand and whisper a dua of protection.

Haleemah's pov

I couldn't believe it, the married principal was going at it with the coach of the school, no fucking way, I take out my phone to video, it was a dick move but was necessary if the need to blackmail either of them occurred.

After what seemed like an eternity, the principal had seemed to have had enough of Mr kofi, she leaves the office.

'Haleemah, you can come out now'

Holy cow.

How had he known?

I stand up from my hiding spot, my legs were cramped, I stare at the tall dark man with guilt written all over my face.

'What were you looking for?' he asks scratching the back of his head.

'Why a married woman?'

He sighs, 'Don't leave here, let me see Lisa off' he says and leaves the room.

He comes back soon enough, I'd already started trying passwords for the school computer where reels of the cctv were kept.

He quickly rushes over, he types his name into the space bar and the laptop opens.

Word of God.

I find the folder titled cctv history,
'What are you even looking for?' Mr kofi asks again.

A gasp of disgust escapes his mouth as the muffled screams of my best-friend fills the room.

Timilehin's Pov

I'm in his arms, as it was always meant to be. He strokes my face lovingly and whispers sweet nothings, a gentle wind lapping at our feet. I let out a purr of satisfaction.

Suddenly a strong wind blows, it's current dragging me from my lover's arms, I try to hold on but the pull is too strong, I'm clouded by anxious voices and a bright light.

My eyes flutter open and I wake to see a gloved hand holding a light above my eyes, I move to swat it away but my hand is too heavy.

'Thank God' a deep voice calls 'I was so worried'

'Where am I?' mumble, my throat is dry and raspy.

'You're at Victoria Island Maternity Hospital' a soft voice answers.

Maternity hospital ke?

'Why?' My voice is currently shaky.

'You are- I mean were pregnant'

A/N: Tehe 🤭, I'm so evil, ik. Don't worry I'll update really soon.
Edit: arghhh, I have the shittiest writers block ever, may God help me.
Another edit: this writers block, Omo mehn

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