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Haleemah's Pov

My hands were trembling, tears streaked my face, it felt like the walls of the office space were closing in on me.

I wipe my face.

'We need to take this to the authorities' a gruff voice calls behind me.

Shit, Mr kofi was still there.

'They won't do anything, that's the son of a minister, a fucking minister!' I practically yell.

He shakes his head and I realize how loud I was being.

I open the window of the office, the sky was a mixture of pinks and peaches, it was getting late.

I sigh.

My phone buzzes, there were missed calls from my mum.




I was completely done for, I open my Uber app and look for rides going to my house, there were none absolutely none, no one would even drop me half way, shuttle it is.

'I can drive you home' Mr kofi volunteers.

My mom would have my head on a platter if she found out I was accepting rides from an older man, but it was a risk I was willing to take.

I copy the cctv file unto my usb and shut down the laptop.


'Haleemah Lila bin Hasim where have you been?' my mum enquires sternly.

'School' I answer quickly.

'And who dropped you off? Was it that kayode boy?'

'Kayode? Who's kayode? I ask genuinely confused.

'Don't act dumb with me, kayode from summer camp'

'That was in year 9 mum, what the actual he-?' I resist the urge to swear.

'It was the principal, I'm sorry for coming home late, can I go now?' I ask frustratedly.

'Don't use that tone with me' she nearly yells.

'Mum I'm exhausted, please' I sigh.

'I just worry about you habibi' she says softly, hugging me 'Take a bath before coming down for dinner'

I roll my eyes and dash into my room, my phone beeps; it's Zainab.

I pick the call.

'Hal I'm so sorry please-' she starts.

'Please what? I know you don't like her but couldn't you have kept your mouth shut for my sake? Why why are you so selfish? After everything I've done for you, I have given you my money, my time, my love, I gave you my love and this is how your repay me?'

'Fuck this'

'Fuck you'

Her voice trembles 'I - I - I'm sorry, please Hal'

'No you don't get to say sorry, sorry won't make it magically fine, I'm done, unless you can fix it I'm done'

'So you pick her over me' she asks softly.

'Yes I do, she's my best friend for fucks sake'

I realized I might have been too harsh, but it wasn't her place to tell anyone anything.

'I wanted to help, it felt wrong knowing that and not doing anything'

'It wasn't your choice, you could have asked me, hell asked her'

Oluwatimilehin.  Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora