Miss Rose

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I tried to calm down as I cracked my knuckles for the 100th time that morning.

'What's wrong?' Malik asks with concern in his eyes.

He was actually a really nice person and we'd gotten to talking yesterday night, or morning or whatever.

'Nothing serious' I answer trying to crack my index finger which I'd popped already.

'You know you can break your hand from doing that right?' he asks.

'Shut up'

'No, not until you tell me what's wrong, Is it about moving to a new school?'

I nod.

'You'll blend in fine, you're pretty chill' He assures.

I sigh.

'Now go and eat, our ride is almost here' he says rolling his eyes at my nervousness.

'Oh no I'm going with my dad, so I can get registered and stuff'

'Oh, but I wanted you to meet a friend of mine, he's pretty nice, his name is Tomi'

'Cool' I say before slinking away.

I hadn't brought any clothes with me and I couldn't wear Aunty Fatima's clothes because she was almost a foot shorter than me.

I opted for Malik's clothes instead, he had a good and insta worthy sense of style which was certainly on-par with mine.

I went for a white button up shirt, a baggy leather jacket and a pair of black suit pants, we both used the same shoe size which was an added bonus.

He hissed playfully at me, 'If you like don't return my clothes'

'What if I don't?' I tease.

'I'll lock you outside' He says laughing.

And with that he disappears outside to his friend who awaited him.


My dad at horns the beautiful antique iron gates of the school which had a giant metal print that read Bachmount House College, it opens automatically after a brief check by a guard.

We enter the main facility, it was overwhelmingly large and was a sixth form college, which meant that it was essentially a pre-uni school.

There were several statues of lions and an old fountain which matched the gates, 3 buildings were situated in the compound with colorful flowers and trees everywhere.

My dad stops the engine and is immediately welcomed by a man with a potbelly clad in a cheap suit, he shakes my dads hand.

'General Korede, lovely to have you here, and this amazing miracle of God' he says looking me up and down and pausing at my chest.

Ew please.

My dad glares at him.

He smiles sheepishly and leads us to the front office. We encounter a lady in a blonde bob, she's filing her nails and chewing gum.

'Rose the-'

'Get out of my office you pervert' she interrupts briskly, her voice is as cold as ice and pierced through her air conditioned office.

'You have guests' the man announces through gritted teeth, 'The General is here'

'Oh, General Korede, please excuse my outburst' she apologizes, assessing my dad, taking in his Berguét watch and designer suit, she stops at his face and blushes.

What the hell?

I was grossed out, My dad wasn't attractive. He had worry lines and slightly yellow teeth from all his cigars.

They finally conclude my forms and some other stuff, my dad produces a thick brown envelope from his suit pocket and placed it on the lady's desk.

'For the exam to go swimmingly' he says with a smile and moves it over to the woman across the desk.

'Of course General' she says giggling flirtatiously.

My dad smiles back at her.

Blood of Jesus, this man is an absolute whore.

I complete my entrance exam at around 12, the questions were cheap and I was amongst the first set of people to finish.

My dad offered to take me out for lunch but I declined.

'Let's get someone to show you around' the woman at the desk says with a smile.

I nod.

'Will the head-boy please report to the front desk' she speaks into the microphone on her desk.

After a few minutes of silence. She speaks a into the microphone again.

'I repeat will the headboy Tomisan Ademola report to the front office'

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